Disabled Man Tried to Kill Himself 10 Years Ago, Today He’s Happy to be Alive

International   |   Alex Schadenberg   |   Nov 9, 2018   |   3:12PM   |   Wellington, New Zealand

New Zealand is debating the legalization of euthanasia.

The major media, in New Zealand are publishing positive articles about euthanasia, which gives doctors the right in law to kill their patients.

Stuff published an article questioning euthanasia in January featuring Raymond Muk, a man who lives with Dushenne Muscular Dystrophy. Raymond said that 10 years-ago he attempted suicide, but today he is happy to be alive. The message that Muk is sharing is that if euthanasia or assisted suicide had been legal, he could be dead. Muk stated:

“Life expectancy is just an historical average, so I don’t let it confine my decisions. This year, I’m embarking on a counselling degree. I want to help others be happy.”

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He does not feel that his life is worth less than that of another, more able-bodied person. He reveals that he tried to kill himself 10 years ago and that is something he regrets; other people, including a number of people with disabilities, were his inspiration to keep going.

Raymond Muk story recognizes that suicidal feelings will come and go, and for many people with disabilities, there is a time in their life when they may want to die, but suicidal ideation is not a good reason to give doctors the right in law to kill.

Typical of Stuff, the rest of the article promotes euthanasia. Nonetheless, Raymond Muk offers us an life experience.

LifeNews.com Note: Alex Schadenberg is the executive director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition and you can read his blog here.