Pro-abortion Senator Cory Booker told reporters this afternoon that it doesn’t matter if Judge Brett Kavanaugh is “innocent or guilty” — his nomination should be withdrawn and he should not be confirmed for the Supreme Court. Booker effectively moved the goalposts on the Supreme Court nominee even as the FBI is investigating whether any of the unproven claims against Kavanaugh are true.
“So my hope is that beyond the vicious partisan rancor that is going on, beyond the accusation, we don’t lose sight of what this moral moment is about in this country, and ultimately ask ourselves the question – Is this the right person to sit on the highest court in the land for a lifetime appointment?” Booker told Capitol Hill reporters.
Booker questioned Kavanaugh’s “temperament” and that fact that he used “language that frankly shocked a lot of us” before making the remark, then justifying it by stating that this “is not a trial.”
“And then ultimately, not whether he is ‘innocent or guilty’ – this is not a trial – but ultimately, have enough questions been raised that we should not move on to another candidate,” said Booker.
SIGN THE PETITION: Vote to Confirm Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh
“Move on to another candidate,” Booker said, “because ultimately the Supreme Court is not an entitlement … This is a sacred institution. The people that should be on it, whether you disagree with their political or judicial philosophy at all, the people who should be on the Supreme Court, should preserve the integrity of the court and be beyond the reproach of these difficult partisan times.”