Actor Dean Cain: Watch New Gosnell Movie About “America’s Biggest Serial Killer”

National   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Sep 25, 2018   |   6:05PM   |   Washington, DC

Hollywood actor Dean Cain has been promoting the upcoming film “Gosnell: America’s Biggest Serial Killer” and taking flak for it.

The former “Lois & Clark” star said he is “pro-choice” on abortion, but he believes the story needs to be told, Catholic Vote reports. Cain plays Philadelphia police detective James “Woody” Wood, one of the authorities who first uncovered the horrors at Kermit Gosnell’s abortion facility in 2011.

“They made a raid on his clinic for narcotics and found literally a house of horrors: trash bags full of fetuses, cats running wild, unsterilized equipment. Just literally as bad as you can think, it was that times ten,” Cain said, according to the Western Journal.

He recently promoted the film at the Values Voter Summit.

“We’re not saying it’s a pro-life movie or a pro-choice movie. We’re a film that literally tells the story,” he told the crowd. “You’re not seeing horribly graphic things, but you see the emotional toll that it takes on the characters that are involved.”

Catholic Vote reports more:

While Gosnell star Dean Cain supports abortion “until viability,” he told [summit panel moderator Sarah] Perry that he decided to join the film’s cast “as soon as I read the script.”

“It was compelling,” said Cain. “It was something that needed to be told….I said ‘yes’ right away, no problem.” He said that he has “absolutely” taken “heat and abuse every day” for being in Gosnell, but instead of making him “mad,” he said “it just shows people’s intolerance…towards listening to another opinion.” Cain highlighted that “people were blowing me up all day long” for showing up to Values Voters Summit.

Cain encouraged people to see Gosnell when it comes out on October 12, though he said he would receive more attacks the more successful the film is.

The makers of the movie have been hitting roadblocks since they began their project more than four years ago. Their struggles began when the crowdfunding site Kickstarter refused to allow filmmakers Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney to fundraiser there. They later broke a crowdfunding record on Indiegogo.

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Then, last month, NPR rejected the filmmakers’ ad because it used the term “abortion doctor,” according to The Daily Beast. NPR claimed the term is not “value neutral,” but it has used the term in its own reporting numerous times.

Many pro-lifers will remember how the mainstream media ignored Gosnell and the horrors of his Philadelphia abortion practice. It appears the liberal media still is trying to keep the story quiet.

“NPR might have covered up Kermit Gosnell’s crimes, but we won’t,” the film producers wrote last week on social media.

In 2013, a jury convicted Gosnell of murdering three newborn babies and contributing to the death of a female patient, along with numerous other crimes. He was sentenced to three consecutive life in prison terms for his crimes.

His notorious “house of horrors” abortion facility shocked the world, though local and conservative news sites were the only ones that initially covered the horrendous case.

Gosnell operated his filthy abortion center for three decades in Philadelphia before authorities uncovered the criminal activity. According to court testimony, Gosnell would perform illegal abortions on late-term unborn babies, inducing live births and then stabbing the babies in the backs of their necks with scissors to kill them.

He may have killed hundreds, perhaps thousands of late-term babies this way. However, investigators said Gosnell destroyed most of the evidence that possibly could have led to further convictions.

The movie is scheduled for release Friday, Oct. 12. For more details, visit