Actress Alyssa Milano: It’s “F—— Absurd” That Pro-Life People Want to Stop Abortions

National   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Aug 20, 2018   |   1:16PM   |   Washington, DC

The abortion industry is showing off pro-abortion celebrities like Alyssa Milano in a desperate attempt to stop U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

On Sunday, the “Insatiable” and “Charmed” actress posted a photo of herself on social media wearing a red robe and white bonnet, a costume from the TV series “Handmaid’s Tale,” in which fertile women are enslaved and forced to give birth to children for the infertile upper class, Newsweek reports. Milano used the hashtags “RiseUpForRoe” “StopKavanaugh” and “WeAreNotProperty” to defend Roe v. Wade and abortion on demand.

A day earlier, she joined abortion activists at a “Rise Up For Roe” protest in Los Angeles, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

In a profanity-filled tirade, Milano claimed that it is “f—— absurd” that people still are fighting for Roe v. Wade, the 1973 case that allowed abortions for basically any reason up to birth.

She said Kavanaugh’s confirmation would put women in jeopardy, and abortion activists face a “tough” battle to stop him, according to the report.

“Kavanaugh will literally affect every single aspect of our lives for generations to come as American people, and the things that we hold to be our ideals of what it means to be Americans,” Milano claimed.

“This is crazy. It’s crazy that we have to have a tour to talk about this. This [Roe v. Wade] has been a law of the land for 45 years, and we’re still having this f—— conversation?” she said.

“How do we let this man [Trump] appoint a lifetime nominee to our Supreme Court when he can’t even figure out someone that can be the Secretary of Education that can answer one f—— question about education?” Milano said. “To me, it’s just so mind-blowing.”

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Milano, Chelsea Clinton and other celebrities, journalists and political activists have joined Planned Parenthood, NARAL and Demand Justice Initiative in protests against Kavanaugh across the country.

The 10-city protest tour advertises itself as an “uncensored, no-holds-barred live show” to “talk about the very real threat #Kavanaugh poses to abortion rights.”

It is just one of many pro-abortion campaigns attempting to stop President Donald Trump from appointing a second justice to the Supreme Court. If confirmed, Kavanaugh would swing the court to a 5-4 conservative majority.

Earlier this month, The Hill reported Planned Parenthood plans to spend six figures on ads trashing Kavanaugh. That is in addition to its $30 million mid-term election budget.

Pro-abortion groups also are heavily lobbying swing-vote senators in the U.S. Senate, including pro-abortion Republican Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins and moderately pro-life Democrat Sens. Joe Manchin and Joe Donnelly.

Abortion activists fear and pro-life advocates hope Kavanaugh could be the fifth and deciding vote on the U.S. Supreme Court that would repeal Roe v. Wade and begin to restore protections for unborn babies.

A federal judge, Kavanaugh has served on the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for D.C. for more than a decade, where he developed an extensive record of protecting religious liberty and upholding restrictions on abortion. Pro-life leaders believe he would do the same on the U.S. Supreme Court.