Dr. Kathi Aultman spent years aborting “unwanted fetuses” and delivering “wanted” babies into their parents’ arms.
But when she performed an abortion on a mother whose husband pressured her to abort the child, Aultman felt troubled.
In a recent interview with CBN News, Aultman described how the experience and several others eventually convinced her to leave the abortion industry and become a pro-life advocate.
Aultman began her OB-GYN career in Florida with a strong desire to help women.
“It was no question in my mind that a woman should have the right to choose whether she wanted to be pregnant or not, and that was the most important thing. And I didn’t consider the fetus in the equation at all,” she said.
Later, she worked at Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion chain in America.
Aultman told a U.S. Congressional committee in 2017 that she referred to unborn babies as “fetuses” when killing them in abortions but “babies” when they were wanted; and she regretted the incongruity. She also said she was fascinated by the “tiny but perfectly formed limbs, intestines, kidneys, and other organs” of aborted babies.
Slowly, more things about her abortion practice began to bother her. She said she struggled when she worked in the neo-natal intensive care unit, caring for very premature babies who were the same size as babies who she aborted.
She told CBN of more troubling experiences:
One involved a young girl who had three abortions, all performed by Aultman.
“I went to the clinic manager and I said I don’t want to do this,” Aultman shared. “She’s just using abortion as birth control. And they said I didn’t have the right to make that decision, that it wasn’t a judgment that I should be making and I needed to do the procedure.”
During her interview with CBN News, Aultman carefully explained two other scenarios that made her see things differently.
“The next woman came in with a girlfriend and the girlfriend asked, ‘do you want to see the tissue?’ and she snapped at her and just said, in a really angry voice, ‘I don’t want to look at it, I just want to kill it!’ And I thought, what has this baby ever done to you?” she said.
She then told of a third woman who had four children. Her husband wanted her to abort their fifth child.
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“Her husband didn’t feel they could afford another, and she cried the entire time,” commented Aultman. “I think the callousness and hostility of the first two compared to the sorrow and the devastation of the third woman – I think that comparison made me understand that just because the child wasn’t wanted, that was no longer justification enough for me to do the procedure.”
Aultman said she had a religious conversion in 1993 and became a Christian. Later, when she was reading an article about the Holocaust and abortion, she said the reality of abortion finally struck her.
“I probably murdered more people than Ted Bundy or any of the mass murderers if you consider all the abortions that I did,” she said.
She sought out counseling to help her heal from her past actions. She said she finally realized that Jesus forgave her, but she needed to forgive herself.
“I’m just thankful every day that we have a Savior, that He does forgive us and that He can take what the locust has destroyed and restore it,” she said. “I’m so thankful that He’s using me to save babies now when once I used to kill them.”
Now, she is a pro-life advocate. Last year, she testified in front of Congress in favor of the Heartbeat Protection Act, which would prohibit abortions from the moment an unborn baby’s heartbeat is detectable.
“I don’t believe a woman can remain unscathed after killing her child,” she told lawmakers in 2017.