Leading pro-life organizations are asking President Trump to nominate a pro-life advocate as the next Secretary for the Department of Health and Human Services. President Donald Trump is considering a new appointment in the wake of the resignation by pro-life former Congressman Tom Price.
With extensive purview over abortion issues as they relate to conscience protections, abortion funding and other concerns, leading pro-life advocates want to ensure that the next secretary of the department is pro-life.
Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins along with prominent, national pro-life leaders made an appeal to President Donald Trump to choose a pro-life candidate for Secretary of Health and Human Services, in the post vacated by former Secretary Tom Price.
“Given the scope of HHS’ role in overseeing Obamacare, which is riddled with anti-life policies and mandates, the leadership at HHS must reflect the pro-life positions the President articulated during the election,” said Hawkins. “Pro-life leaders are looking for policy makers who know that abortion is not healthcare, and that women deserve better.”
The groups delivered President Trump the following letter:
Dear President Donald Trump,
From the earliest days of your run for the presidency, you found loyal and effective allies in the pro-life community, and we have appreciated the promises kept such as nominating pro-life judicial nominees, reinstating the Mexico City Policy, and promising to sign the Pain Capable Unborn Protection Act. As you know, personnel is policy, and with a key appointment pending, we join together asking you to appoint a pro-life individual to the position of Secretary of Health and Human Services.
We witnessed the politicization of healthcare at HHS as the Obama Administration used the Affordable Care Act to create new income streams for the abortion industry and to force pro-life and religious groups to fund life-ending drugs and devices in health insurance, as well as trying to pressure the states to include abortion in their own programs. Especially as the critical job of addressing the anti-life monstrosity that is Obamacare remains incomplete, we need a nominee who will respect the pro-life convictions of the American people and use HHS resources to affirm life.
Abortion is not healthcare. The scarce resources of the American taxpayer should be invested in life-affirming medical care, rather than in abortion vendors. Nor should it be a policy goal of the U.S. to force people to subsidize life-ending drugs and devices against their Constitutional rights of conscience and religion.
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Mr. President, we ask you to ignore the voices who argue that a so-called “moderate” candidate who does not share your views is capable of handling the responsibilities of a job that should be focused on real, effective healthcare rather than abortion. We ask that your choice for HHS Secretary be committed to affirming life.
Kristan Hawkins, President
Students for Life of America
David Daleiden
Project Lead
The Center for Medical Progress
Marjorie Dannenfelser
Susan B. Anthony List
Brian Fisher, President
Human Coalition
Donna J. Harrison M.D. Executive Director
American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Jason Jones
Serviam USA
Jeanne Mancini, President
March for Life Education & Defense Fund
Tom McClusky, President
March for Life Action
Penny Young Nance
CEO and President
Concerned Women for America
Lila Rose
President and Founder
Live Action