Charlie Gard’s Parents Tell Judge They Have a Doctor for Hospice Care at Home

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Jul 26, 2017   |   10:51AM   |   Washington, DC

The parents of Charlie Gard say they have found a doctor willing to look after the 11-month old boy so they can spend time with him at home away from the hospital during his final days.

Charlie’s parents have been fighting with the hospital over whether or not they can take him home so he can be surrounded by friends and family after he is removed from life support. However the hospital has refused to allow him to go home — saying that it doesn’t think his ventilator would be able to fit through the front door of his house.

Attorneys for both Charlie’s parents and the hospital are back in court today in front of Judge Francis who said he wanted Charlie’s parents to show evidence that they have found a doctor who is willing to look after Charlie at home or in Hospice Care. Charlie’s parents say they have found such a doctor.

Here’s more:

Barrister Grant Armstrong, who runs Charlie’s parents’ legal team, indicated to MailOnline that a doctor with intensive care experience had been found.

He said: ‘He is a doctor who has previous experience in surgery and intensive care who could lead a team of paediatric doctors.

‘We believe we are able to put in place a plan of nursing staff, funded privately.

‘Several nurses from Great Ormond Street have volunteered to assist. May I pay tribute to these nurses.’

According to the paper, a firm named ResMed had reportedly offered to ‘provide any type of ventilator that is required.’

On Monday, Connie Yates and Chris Gard decided to end the legal battle to get their son experimental treatment. Based on new evidence, the couple said Charlie’s condition has deteriorated too much and there no longer is any hope of the treatment working.

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Their final request to a judge this week was to be allowed to take Charlie home to die. The 11-month-old British infant has a rare mitochondrial disease and brain damage. His parents and Great Ormond Street Hospital have been in a months-long legal battle over his treatment.

We promised Charlie every day we would take him home. It seems really upsetting, after everything we’ve been through, to deny us this,” his mother said.

London High Court judge Justice Francis is expected to rule on the request today, according to the Daily Mail.

The hospital opposes the parents’ request. Its lawyers argued that Charlie needs to stay at the hospital or go to a hospice facility until he dies. Doctors claimed his ventilator will not fit through the door of his parents’ home, and he could suffer a painful death.

The 11-month-old British infant has a rare mitochondrial disease. His parents and Great Ormond Street Hospital have been in a months-long legal battle over his treatment.

His mother told Good Morning Britain previously that she does not want her son to suffer. She said it has been “absolute living hell” to wait and wonder when the hospital might end his life support.

“He’s our own flesh and blood and we don’t even have a say in his life whatsoever,” Yates said. “We are not bad parents, we are there for him all the time, we are completely devoted to him and he’s not in pain and suffering, and I promise everyone I would not sit there and watch my son in pain and suffering, I couldn’t do it.”

Questions remain about whether Charlie could have benefited from the experimental treatment, had it not been delayed for months during the legal battle between Charlie’s parents and the hospital. The court battle began in March.

In the Royal Court of Justice in London, Connie stated, “Charlie was left to lie [in Great Ormond Street Hospital] and deteriorate. We wanted Charlie to have the chance … [there] was never false hope, as confirmed by many experts. Now we’ll never know…” Connie and Chris underscored that they “should have been trusted as parents.”

Despite all of his problems, Charlie’s parents – and millions like them – believe that Charlie is a valuable, living human being who should be given a chance to live.

Leading pro-life advocates helped Charlie’s parents fight for his life.

Charlie’s parents brought Terri Schiavo’s brother Bobby Schindler to London to help them fight for care for their son. Schindler spoke with LifeNews exclusively about their invitation.

Schindler told LifeNews: “We are here by invitation from the family to come alongside them as they struggle to save their son, Charlie. The critical issue here is not a political one, but the simple notion that families know what is best for their loved ones.”

“Charlie’s situation is very reminiscent of my family’s battle to save my sister, Terri. Hopefully being here can help his parents, Connie and Charlie, deal with the day-to-day emotional roller coaster, as they fight for their son’s right to live,” Schindler added.