Vice-President Mike Pence: “We Have a President Who, Without Apology, Stands for the Sanctity of Human Life”

National   |   Matthew Wagner   |   May 26, 2017   |   4:58PM   |   Washington, DC

Vice President Mike Pence, a stalwart pro-lifer, recently made another stop in Pennsylvania, giving the commencement address at Grove City College. For his full remarks click here, but of particular note was this comment: “And I can’t tell you how proud I am to be Vice President to a President who stands without apology for the sanctity of life and all the God-given liberties in the Constitution of the United States.”

The Trump Administration has given pro-lifers a renewed sense of hope after eight years of pro-abortion President Barack Obama. Some of the administration’s pro-life accomplishments so far include:

Vice President Mike Pence’s speech at the 2017 March for Life in Washington DC represented the first time a sitting Vice President spoke at the March.

President Trump reinstated a policy that prevents organizations receiving federal foreign aid from performing abortions or promoting them.

President Trump nominated Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. Now confirmed he will be a Justice in the mold of the late beloved Justice Antonin Scalia.

President Trump appointed avid pro-lifers to key cabinet positions including Kellyanne Conway as Senior Advisor, Tom Price as Secretary of Health and Human Services, Nikki Haley as UN Ambassador, and Ben Carson as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

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President Trump even signed an executive order saying his administration will “provide regulatory relief for religious objectors to Obamacare’s burdensome preventive services mandate, a position supported by the Supreme Court decision in Hobby Lobby.”

These pro-life accomplishments give advocates renewed hope that we will be even more successful in changing people’s minds and reminding them that they can always choose life.

LifeNews Note: Matthew Wagner is the Education Director for the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation.