If Planned Parenthood Closes on the “Day Without A Woman” Strike, 887 Babies Won’t be Aborted

Opinion   |   Kristan Hawkins   |   Mar 7, 2017   |   5:56PM   |   Washington, DC

The momentum of the Women’s March that happened the day after President Trump’s inauguration is already faltering. Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion vendor and a major sponsor of the Women’s March, admitted to Buzzfeed that even though many people showed up at town halls over the congressional break to support the scandal-ridden organization, “no one really knows what will make a difference anymore.”

She’s got a point. After millions of people showed up for the Women’s March carrying signs depicting vaginas, wearing “pussy hats” and screaming at anti-abortion young women, what else can they do to get their point across?

Now the organizers of the Women’s March think they have the key to the hearts of potential supporters everywhere by creating a national Day Without A Woman to coincide with International Women’s Day on March 8. This entails women taking the day off work, shopping at women and minority-owned businesses, wearing red, or any combination of the three.

Is Cecile Richards going to take the day off work and shop at women-owned businesses? Or are they going to be closed, missing out on crucial revenue? And if female business owners close their shops in support of the Day Without A Woman, where are all the women who took the day off supposed to shop?

Planned Parenthood gets $1.5 million a day from taxpayers. Are they going to close and rip off taxpayers? They are the nation’s largest abortion vendor, committing 887 abortions per day, which equals close to $400,000 in revenue (the average abortion costs $450). It’s doubtful they will let those precious dollars slip away by closing for the day.

SIGN THE PETITION! Congress Must De-Fund Planned Parenthood Immediately

Planned Parenthood loves to talk about how they serve women in low-income areas and make sure they do everything they can so women don’t have to take much time off work to take care of their healthcare needs.

What about all those single moms, student parents, and low-income women working three jobs to get by? Why is a women’s movement encouraging them to skip work? Are all the major sponsors of the Women’s March going to pay their salaries after they are fired?

A school district in North Carolina has announced they are closing for the day because they anticipate so many teachers not showing up to work to their taxpayer-funded jobs. Way to put working mothers in particular in a tough spot, having to find expensive childcare at the last minute.

This isn’t anything that remotely resembles a pro-woman stance. Women need support, encouragement, compassion, and love, especially those who are facing unplanned pregnancies, pregnant and parenting students, and women trying to make ends meet on a daily basis.

Planned Parenthood supporters and others in the abortion industry often accuse the pro-life movement on being solely focused on the baby and forgetting about the woman, but that argument is far from the truth.

There are more pregnancy resource centers than there are Planned Parenthood abortion facilities in the country. These centers provide free pregnancy tests, diapers and maternity clothes, and help with an array of needs of pregnant women that the abortion industry could care less about.

Pregnancy resource centers will be open on March 8.
