Shocking Video Shows How Abortions Kill More Black People Than Every Other Cause Combined

National   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Feb 9, 2017   |   6:54PM   |   Washington, DC

Right to Life of Michigan created a special video project for Black History Month in February that exposes the devastating impact of abortion on the black community.

The 1-minute video uses statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and the Guttmacher Institute to show how abortions killed more African Americans than all other causes combined.

“More abortions than every other cause of death combined,” the Michigan pro-life group said in an email. “These statistics about Black abortions boggle the mind. Why are they never discussed? Why have so few Americans, especially the members of this community so profoundly impacted not been made aware of these numbers?”

The number is staggering: 19 million abortions since 1973 in the black community, according to the group’s research.

Black Americans have a disproportionately high number of abortions compared to other racial groups. According to census data, African Americans make up about 13 percent of the U.S. population but have about 30 percent of the abortions. The problem is disturbingly evident in New York City, where state data shows more black babies are aborted than are born.

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Pro-life leader Walter B. Hoye II of Issues4Life Foundation found similar results when he compared abortion data to other leading causes of death in the black community from the U.S. Statistical Abstract for 2013 and the National Vital Statistics Report from 2015.

According to the statistics:

Heart Disease: 72,010
Abortion kills 5.9 times as many Blacks as heart disease.

Malignant Neoplasms: 67,953
Abortion kills 6.3 times as many Blacks as cancer.

Cerebrovascular Disease: 16,269
Abortion kills 26.4 times as many Blacks as strokes.

Accidents (unintentional injuries): 13,413
Abortion kills 31.9 times as many Blacks as accidents of all kinds.

Diabetes Mellitus: 13,385
Abortion kills 32 times as many Blacks as diabetes.

Right to Life of Michigan and Hoye both said they hope these numbers will help to raise awareness and inspire people to become involved in the fight to protect every baby in the womb from abortion.
