Abortion Activists Trash New Trump Health Advisor Because She’s Pro-Life

National   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Jan 6, 2017   |   11:07AM   |   Washington, DC

Another one of Donald Trump’s choices for his administration is rattling abortion activists this week.

This time, they are upset by the choice of Katy Talento as a health policy advisor to the White House Domestic Policy Council. A pro-life advocate with background both in politics and medical research, Talento was chosen by Trump’s transition team on Thursday, Stat News reports.

Talento is a Harvard University graduate and an “infectious disease epidemiologist with nearly 20 years of experience in public health and health policy, as well as government oversight and investigations and program evaluation,” according to the transition team.

Abortion activists quickly moved to attack Talento using a piece she wrote in 2015 for The Federalist about how some forms of birth control may cause early abortions. They claim her writing – a Harvard graduate and experienced medical researcher’s writing – is “scientifically unsound.”

Talking Points Memo went after Talento:

In an article she published at The Federalist in January 2015, Talento preached about the risks of birth control, some of which are founded in facts, like the risk of cardiovascular problems. But she also made bogus claims, including that birth control pills may cause miscarriages.

“Preventing a fertilized egg (i.e. after conception) from hunkering down in the wall of the uterus, where it can grow normally,” she wrote. “Progestin in birth control thins the endometrial lining (uterine wall), but a fertilized egg needs a thick, fluffy, blood-rich uterine wall to attach to and begin growth. Without it, the embryo can’t survive, and a miscarriage occurs.”

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There is no link between miscarriages and taking birth control pills before a pregnancy, according to The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

… The top of Talento’s article asserted that “Chemical birth control causes abortions and often has terrible side effects, including deliberate miscarriage,” but she never expanded on how birth control could cause an abortion in the piece.

A piece by Texas Right to Life in 2014 explains in more details what Talento was getting at in her piece. The blog explains how some forms of hormonal contraception have the potential to cause an early abortion before the embryo implants in the womb.

Another issue that abortion activists have with Talento is her recent work for North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis, a pro-life Republican.

“Employing Talento further exemplifies how serious Trump and his team are about undermining women’s bodily autonomy and limiting the availability of safe, effective forms of birth control,” Romper’s Andrea Frazier wrote.

Frazier brought up Trump’s promises to defund the abortion giant Planned Parenthood as an example.

But abortion activists are the ones being dishonest or ignorant about the situation. Neither Trump nor Congress has expressed any intention of trying to ban or restrict birth control. Abortion, the destruction of an innocent human life in the womb, is what pro-lifers want to end.
