Newspaper Publishes How-To Guide on Aborting Your Baby

International   |   SPUC   |   Jan 3, 2017   |   12:29PM   |   London, England, the online version of the UK’s fourth largest newspaper, has published an article called “Here’s what you need to know if you need to have an abortion”.

The piece outlines the process of booking an appointment and what to expect. However, under the title “having your abortion” it makes no mention of what the actual procedure (or range of procedures) entails.

It gives no details of alternatives to abortion, instead saying “if you do decide this isn’t the right time for a baby- for whatever reason- that’s 100% your decision, and whatever your reasons are, they are valid.” The journalist, Ashitha Nagesh, admits that “some people feel like an emotional wreck, weeping uncontrollably in the recovery chair”, post-abortion, but the only counselling she points to is that offered by the abortion providers themselves.

Marie Stopes is recommended along with BPAS as an abortion provider, with no mention of the recent suspension of services at Marie Stopes, which was followed by a damning CQC report highlighting failures in safety, consent and safeguarding.

Dr Anthony McCarthy of SPUC said “The article in the Metro, which amounts to no more than crude advertising for the abortion industry, is contemptuous of readers of the Metro, and of all those who have suffered from abortion.  The article ignores the huge amount of evidence for sometimes devastating long-term consequences of abortion, while promoting ‘abortion providers’ such as Marie Stopes, which recently had to shut down its clinics in the light of investigations into appalling negligence towards the women it claims to care for. Readers should protest the Metro’s dishonest advertising of an industry responsible not only for the destruction of unborn lives but for truly adverse effects on mothers and on fathers.”

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LifeNews Note: Courtesy of SPUC. The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children is a leading pro-life organziation in the United Kingdom.
