Elections always bring out the dirty past of politicians and their families.
Former President Bill Clinton has a reputation for having multiple affairs while being married to Hillary Clinton, and he has faced accusations of sexual assault and rape.
Over the weekend, Gennifer Flowers said the former president also paid her to abort his unborn child. In an interview with Aaron Klein Investigative Radio on Sunday, Flowers said she became pregnant by the former president not long after they began their 12-year affair in 1977. She said Bill and Hillary were married, and Hillary knew about the affair.
Flowers said she secretly had hoped that Bill would agree to help raise their child and divorce his wife. Instead, she said Clinton offered her $200 to abort their unborn child.
Flowers continued (transcribed by Breitbart):
“I was a news reporter at the time. I also had a little show, a little for your information show and I had on the lady who was running the abortion clinic because needless to say it was very controversial in town. … Well, little did I know at that very moment I was actually pregnant. Well that was in 1977. And I found out later after that interview. And I told her, you know, to arrange something hopefully that was sort of private.
“But yes, I told him (Bill Clinton). And deep down I wanted to hear him say okay well I’m going to get a divorce and we’ll have this baby and everything is going to be fine. And the first words out of his mouth were, ‘Well you know I will pay for an abortion.’
“And of course my heart sunk. And then the reality you know hit me right in the face. That he was married and he was going to stay married. And that’s the way it was. So I thought fine. I wasn’t prepared to have a baby and raise it on my own so I decided to go ahead and have the abortion.”
Flowers said the abortion was both physically and psychologically painful. Clinton did comfort her afterward and seemed sympathetic, but Flowers said she doubts he would have changed his mind about their child.
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When asked, Flowers said she was “absolutely” sure that the child was Clinton’s. Initially, Bill Clinton denied that he had an affair with Flowers in the early 1990s; however, he later admitted to having a sexual encounter with her, according to Breitbart.
Both Bill and Hillary Clinton support abortion on demand up until birth. During his presidency, Bill Clinton vetoed a partial-birth abortion ban, a gruesome, late-term abortion procedure that has since been banned. Hillary Clinton defended partial-birth abortions last fall in an interview with NBC News.
Hillary Clinton’s radical stance on abortion that is out of touch with most Americans. During an interview on The View recently Hillary Clinton said an unborn child just hours before delivery has no Constitutional rights. Her comments came just days after Clinton said unborn children simply do not have any Constitutional rights, which would include the right to life.
She wants to overturn the Hyde Amendment and force taxpayers to pay for abortions, and she opposes late-term abortion bans. This spring, Hillary Clinton also slammed a new Indiana law that protects unborn babies from being aborted simply because of their sex or a disability.