A new Daily Caller report reveals evidence that one of Hillary Clinton’s possible vice presidential picks used his personal email account to leak private government information to the abortion giant Planned Parenthood.
Thomas Perez is the Secretary of Labor, but he used to work for the U.S. Department of Justice. Similar to Clinton, who is considering him as her vice presidential running mate, Perez was accused in 2013 of using a personal email account for his government work at the Department of Justice, according to the report.
At the time, U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa, R-California, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, subpoenaed Perez for his personal emails and discovered that he had corresponded on government business with Planned Parenthood, The New York Times and other groups, the report states.
According to The Daily Caller’s Chuck Ross: “Perez’s use of personal email — which violated the Federal Records Act as well as mandates issued by the Obama White House — came to light as Republicans were investigating a deal that the progressive Democratic official brokered in 2012 between the DOJ and the city of St. Paul, Minn.”
In the process of the investigation, the committee discovered that Perez had used his personal email account frequently for government business, the report notes. After reviewing the evidence, Issa sent a harsh letter to Perez on April 18, 2013, calling him out for using his personal email in violation of the Federal Records Act. Issa said their investigation found that Perez probably used his personal email routinely and frequently for government business – almost 1,200 times between 2009 and 2013, or roughly one email per day.
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“You used your personal, non-official account to conduct official Department business with at least twelve separate individuals from organizations such as Planned Parenthood, the New York Times, and Talking Points Memo,” Issa wrote in the letter.
The letter did not indicate the contents of the correspondence between Perez and Planned Parenthood. In Perez’s correspondence with a New York Times reporter, Issa said Perez sent non-public government information through his personal email account.
Issa also noted that Perez did not comply with the government subpoena for the emails on his personal account. According to news reports from 2013, the committee obtained the emails from a third-party.
The Washington Free Beacon reports Perez has a history of scandals.
Clinton also reportedly corresponded with Planned Parenthood on her private email server while she was Secretary of State. LifeNews reported in 2015 that the pro-abortion presidential candidate received an email in 2009 from one of the abortion business’s vice presidents, calling Clinton her “personal hero.”
In the email, Planned Parenthood VP Laurie Rubiner thanked Clinton on behalf of their organization and asked Clinton to speak against a measure being considered by the Kenyan government to recognize “life begins at conception.”
In a separate email, Rubiner thanked Clinton for her efforts to get more funding in the 2011 budget for “international family planning.” She said, “You guys are totally great. Please thank Secretary Clinton for us – we know it wouldn’t have happened without her and all of you.” Additionally, Rubiner included a message in the email from Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards that said, “The women of the world have true friends in Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and the Obama administration.”
Clinton received Planned Parenthood’s endorsement in January. In turn, Clinton promised the abortion giant that she would try to force Americans to pay for abortions with their tax dollars by overturning the Hyde Amendment, if elected president.