Despite Americans’ opposition to the idea, some women have admitted to using abortion as a method of birth control.
New abortion data hints that this disturbing trend could be continuing. According to a new report by the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute, more than half of women who had abortions between 2008 and 2014 already had at least one child.
Here is more from the report:
How individuals achieve their desired family size—including the timing and spacing of any births—is often part of a complicated calculus, and decisions regarding pregnancy outcomes are made in the context of existing and planned children.22,23 In 2014, it continued to be the case that the majority of abortion patients (59%) had had at least one previous birth, including one-third who had had two or more; 41% of abortion patients had had no prior births. These proportions were largely unchanged from 2008.
Individuals with one previous birth were overrepresented among abortion patients (index of 1.5), while those with either no prior births or at least two were slightly underrepresented (0.9 and 0.8, respectively). Abortion indices by number of previous births showed virtually no change between 2008 and 2014.
The reasons why these women had abortions were not reported; but, as the pro-abortion researchers implied, the abortion industry sells abortion as a means for women to “achieve their desired family size.”
Repeat abortions also are startlingly common. According to Guttmacher, approximately 45 percent of women have multiple abortions.
Though abortion advocates do not like to mention it, abortions can take a toll on the health of the mother and any subsequent children she may have. Studies have found that multiple abortions increase women’s risks for breast cancer, subsequent preterm birth, infertility and death.
For subsequent children, a woman’s abortions also can mean greater risk of premature birth and even death, according to a 2013 study from the University of Hong Kong. Researchers found that women who had three or more abortions were at five times the risk of premature birth in subsequent pregnancies. A 2012 study from Finland’s National Institute for Health and Welfare also found that multiple abortions can lead to low birth weights in subsequent babies, jeopardizing their health.
Abortions take a psychological toll on many women, too. Michele Herzog, the manager of Pro-Life Action Ministries of Central Florida, shared her experience with one young woman outside a Florida abortion center:
She approached me with tears in her eyes, with brokenness and a yearning for help. I began to talk with her letting her know that we were there to help her, I asked, “Are you here for an abortion?”
With eyes that could pierce a heart, she said, “I’ve already had it, I’m here for a check-up.” Her face fell and I said, “I know how you feel, not good, right?”
She responded quickly with a yes and said, “This is my seventh abortion.”
I then told her that when I was younger, I was like her and had multiple abortions. I looked in her eyes and said, “It’s got to stop, doesn’t it?”
With tears, she quickly said yes!
I explained to her why we as women that have our first abortion end up entering into a revolving door of abortion….a piece of us dies along with our child, we know it deep down inside. We sometimes don’t realize it, but we just don’t care anymore. Thus, we don’t care about ourselves or anyone else, and in the end, little victims of abortion, the little baby boys and girls.
I shared with her my experience with abortion, the years of shame, guilt, regret, pain, agony, not caring about myself or anyone else and not knowing why. But I also shared how I had come to a place of repentance and confessing my sin of abortion and my faith in Christ, and that was the reason I was alive today! I said, “this you can do!”