Planned Parenthood Celebrates “National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers”

National   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Mar 10, 2016   |   8:15PM   |   Washington, DC

Every date on the calendar is marked to celebrate something these days, and abortion advocates have claimed March 10 as the National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers.

The stunt is the latest attempt by pro-abortion groups to try to convince the public that the deaths of 1.1 million unborn babies every year is a good thing.

Pro-abortion groups like Planned Parenthood and NARAL spent the day tweeting praises for abortion employees and volunteers, claiming that they are helping women. Their social media campaigns also blasted pro-lifers who work to save unborn babies and their moms from abortion.

One of the tweets from Planned Parenthood featured a graphic with quotes from some of its favorite abortion doctors:

One quote by abortionist Raegan McDonald Mosley read, “I provide abortions because I have seen firsthand the devastating consequences for people who do not have access to safe, legal abortion by trained providers.”

Mosley’s statements are interesting given that just last month the Annapolis abortion clinic where she works sent a patient to the hospital for what appeared to be a botched abortion, LifeNews reported. The clinic also was cited during its only inspection in 2013 for failure to ensure that surgical equipment was properly sterilized by using a faulty autoclave.

Another one of the abortionists “honored” in the tweet is Susan Robinson, one of the few abortionists who openly does late-term abortions. In 2013, LifeNews reported that Robinson aborts disabled babies as late as 37 weeks if they won’t have “productive lives.”

Planned Parenthood never mentioned these things about either abortionist.

Another tweet from the pro-abortion Prospect Hill Foundation featured a photo of abortionist Willie Parker, who once compared criticism against abortionists to the crucifixion of Jesus:

However, some pro-lifers were quick to respond with disgust at a celebration of people who kill unborn babies for a living:

At least one pro-choicer also expressed disgust at the idea of celebrating abortionists’ work:

Another person responded to Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards with a sarcastic tweet about three notorious abortionists who have injured, abused and killed women as well as their unborn babies:

Brigham is a notorious East Coast abortionist with a long record of run-ins with the law. In 2011, Brigham was charged with murdering late-term babies in Maryland in a secret abortion clinic. He also has had his medical license revoked in several states as a result of injuring several women, LifeNews reported.

Alexander was a Michigan abortionist who left an unborn baby’s head inside its mother’s womb in a botched abortion. Government officials shut down his house of horrors abortion clinic and later revoked his medical license in 2014, LifeNews reported.

Patel practiced his deadly abortions in Oklahoma for years, selling abortion pills to women who were not even pregnant. In January of this year, the state revoked Patel’s medical license, LifeNews reported. Patel also has been accused of raping and sodomizing his female patients.

The horrible deeds of these three notorious abortionists are publicly despised; but even an abortionist with a strong record of caring for women still is killing unborn babies. And that’s nothing to celebrate.
