At least two unborn babies in the U.S. have been aborted because their mothers were infected with the Zika virus and concerned about possible birth defects, according to the Centers for Disease Control on Friday.
So far, the CDC has identified nine pregnant women in the United States who are infected with the Zika virus, according to the Washington Examiner.
The mosquito-borne virus, a growing concern in South America and the southern United States, is believed to be linked to microcephaly, a neurological disorder where a baby’s head is significantly smaller and the brain is abnormally developed, according to the Mayo Clinic. The condition is not typically fatal, but it can cause health problems throughout the baby’s life.
As the virus spreads, several South American countries have reported an alarming spike in the number of babies born with microcephaly in the past few months. The link between the virus and microcephaly has not been confirmed, but health officials have been searching for evidence. Meanwhile, abortion activists have been exploiting the crisis, causing fears among pregnant women and calling for legalized abortion in South America, where abortion is widely prohibited.
In America, where abortion is legal and readily available, two women infected with Zika aborted their unborn babies after doctors thought the babies may have microcephaly, according to the report.
CDC gave some details of some of the cases, including a pregnant woman in her 30s who traveled to a Zika-affected area early in her pregnancy.
“One day after returning from travel, she developed fever, eye pain, and myalgia (muscle ache). The next day, she developed a rash,” the CDC team said. A blood test confirmed she had Zika.
When she was 20 weeks pregnant, am ultrasound showed the fetus had severe brain damage. An amniocentesis test showed virus in the amniotic fluid, which indicates the fetus was infected.
“After discussion with her health care providers, the patient elected to terminate her pregnancy,” CDC said.
Two of the other nine women identified had miscarriages, three gave birth and two others are still pregnant, the CDC reported. One of the three born babies has microcephaly, and the other two are healthy; and the two women who are still pregnant appear to have healthy babies, according to the CDC.
All of the nine women infected with Zika had traveled to Central or South America recently. The CDC did not identify where in America the women live, though one appears to be from Hawaii, according to NBC.
The CDC said 10 additional cases involving pregnant women possibly infected with the virus are being investigated. It is warning pregnant women to avoid traveling to Zika-affected areas.
According to the report, the cases point to the first trimester as potentially the most dangerous time for a woman to be infected with Zika. However, it remains uncertain that Zika is causing the brain disorder in infants.
Last week, LifeNews reported a young Columbian woman also aborted her unborn baby in a late-term abortion after doctors suspected the baby may have microcephaly. However, there was no proof that the unborn baby actually had the brain disorder.
In an eugenic-like push, abortion activists are arguing that pregnant women should be allowed to abort their unborn babies, even if they aren’t sure if the baby has microcephaly.
The pro-abortion group Women on Web is adverting free, mail-order abortion drugs to women in South America. The chemical abortion drug that the group is offering is for first-trimester abortions only – meaning that women taking the drug would have no way of knowing at that stage if their unborn baby had the disorder. Microcephaly often is not diagnosed until women are 20 weeks pregnant or later.
There also is growing uncertainty about whether the virus and the microcephaly cases are connected. Thomas D. Williams recently wrote, “Though the Brazil Ministry of Health has registered an unusually high number of babies born with microcephaly, 96% of these cases occurred without the mothers having been infected with the Zika virus at all, which means that the cause must be sought elsewhere.”
Families who have experiences with microcephaly are countering abortion activists’ fear mongering, saying that women should be offered education about the condition and support – not abortion.
Kansas mother Gwen Hartley, who has two daughters with microcephaly, said she initially struggled when she learned about her daughters’ diagnosis, but today she believes they are a huge blessing to her family.
She encouraged mothers in South America not to throw away their unborn babies’ lives because they are afraid.
“In the beginning, I was crushed,” Hartley said. “I’m sure these moms in Brazil are feeling that way. But if you open your mind enough, you realize your whole life is in preparation for this moment, and this moment will make you better.”
Currently, there is no vaccine or treatment for Zika. The World Health Organization and others are involved in working to curb the spread of the virus.