NARAL President to Pro-Lifers: Face the “Judgment of the Consequences of Your Hate-Filled Rhetoric”

National   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Dec 2, 2015   |   5:51PM   |   Washington, DC

Abortion activists continue to viciously attack pro-lifers in the wake of the tragic Colorado Springs shootings that left three dead and nine injured around a Planned Parenthood abortion facility Friday.

NARAL President Illyse Hogue made a statement specifically blaming David Daleiden from the Center for Medical Progress, the group behind the undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood officials haggling over the price of aborted babies’ body parts.

Hogue implied that Daleiden’s exposure of Planned Parenthood’s profit-driven abortion practices prompted the shooting and that pro-lifers should face “the judgement of the consequences of your hate-filled rhetoric,” according to CNS News.

“Sorry, David Daleiden. You don’t get to create fake videos and accuse abortion providers of ‘barbaric atrocities against humanity’ one day and act shocked when someone shoots to kill in those same facilities the next,” Hogue wrote. (Another lie by Hogue, a forensic analysis of the videos found no evidence of manipulation.)

The motives behind the shooting still are very unclear. Alleged shooter Robert Lewis Dear reportedly mentioned “baby body parts” when arrested at the scene of the crime, but he  has no connections with the pro-life movement. Those who know him best say he was never interested in the issue of abortion. Dear appears to have been a lone, crazed gunman with mental health issues and previous run-ins with the law.

Pro-life groups, including Daleiden’s Center for Medical Progress, quickly condemned the violence in Colorado Springs, just as they condemn the violence against unborn babies in the womb.

But that does not matter to Hogue and other abortion advocates, who have been exploiting the tragedy.

Hogue also attacked the president of Operation Rescue: “And you, Troy Newman — using Operation Rescue to call for state-sanctioned execution of doctors who serve women — and then crying crocodile tears when someone takes that vision into their own hands.”

“It’s America. You are free to have your speech. The language you choose matters. You are not free from the judgment of the consequences of your hate-filled rhetoric,” Hogue said.



It is an unfounded attack against Newman, who also condemned the violence Friday in a statement.

“Operation Rescue unequivocally deplores and denounces all violence at abortion clinics and has a long history of working through peaceful channels to advocate on behalf of women and their babies. We express deep concern for everyone involved and are praying for the safety of those at the Planned Parenthood office and for law enforcement personnel. We pray this tragic situation can be quickly resolved without further injury to anyone,” Newman said.

Hogue’s inflammatory statements echo those of Planned Parenthood and Hillary Clinton, a pro-abortion presidential candidate, who sent a tweet exploiting the active shooting before the shooter was apprehended to push for support for the abortion business and then went on to say pro-life people should “defend Planned Parenthood, not attack it.” President Barack Obama also made a statement today, telling pro-lifers not to “demonize” Planned Parenthood.
