This Organization Just Saved Its 500th Baby From Dying in a Fertility Clinic

Bioethics   |   Sarah Zagorski   |   Oct 21, 2015   |   9:14AM   |   Washington, DC

In September, the National Embryo Donation Center threw a party to celebrate the 500 embryo adoptions they’ve facilitated since they opened in 2003. The 500th baby saved through the donation center was born in May 2015 and named William by his parents Dan and Kate. Dan said, “Embryo adoption is a gift we give thanks for every day.”

The couple, who didn’t want to give their last name for privacy reasons, has given birth to three children through embryo adoption after finding out that they couldn’t have any children of their own. Kate said, “It was devastating. I really wanted the chance to carry our babies, bond with them and give them the best possible start. Being able to carry them myself and to bond with them through embryo donation healed a lot of hurt.”

Live Action News reports that over 250 people attended the celebration, which provided food, games and other fun activities for children. Many of the attendees adopted embryos through the adoption centers program and were able to meet other families that did the same.

Adoptive mother Cathy LaSorsa said, “To know and see others families who brought their children into the world like we have it’s just a special special connection. It was a miracle and a blessing to carry Cambria and Julia myself, and give birth.” Tom and Kristine, a couple who adopted an embryo through the center and attended the party, added, “This has been a huge amazing reunion for us and I’ve just been in tears all day and chill bumps all day.”

As LifeNews previously reported, the reason embryo adoption exists is because when couples use in vitro fertilization to conceive children their unused embryos are often discarded or destroyed. In fact, in 2011, a study in the Journal of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine revealed that 19% of unused embryos are discarded and 3% are donated for scientific research.

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Although embryo adoption doesn’t remove all the ethical concerns with artificially creating human beings, it does provide an alternative to discarding embryos and destroying lives. Currently, there are over 600,000 people frozen in their embryonic state in the United States.

Learn more about the National Embryo Adoption Center in the video below.
