Congresswoman: “Planned Parenthood Doc Will Have to Find Another Way to Get Her Lamborghini”

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Oct 13, 2015   |   1:53PM   |   Washington, DC

A leading pro-life congresswoman had the perfect response to today’s news that Planned Parenthood will stop selling the body parts of aborted babies. Instead, the abortion giant announced that it will harvest and donate the body parts of unborn children victimized by abortions.

Rep. Diane Black, a pro-life Republican from Tennessee who has been spearheading the drive to de-fund Planned Parenthood, told LifeNews that Planned Parenthood’s decision is essentially an admission of guilt.

“It is curious that, while Planned Parenthood officials maintain there has been no wrongdoing, they still find it necessary to change their policy following the recent undercover videos. Clearly, this was a decision motivated by optics rather than the organization’s conscience,” Black said. “If Planned Parenthood truly wanted to confront its growing scandal, it would stop aborting more than 327,000 innocent lives each year and fully commit to true women’s health care.”

Black added: “Cecile Richards’ letter is right about one thing: the fight against Planned Parenthood is not just about its use of fetal tissue. It is about how we treat a human life and how we ensure that the conscience rights of American taxpayers are respected. This is a fight we must continue.”

Then, Black had an excellent zinger as a followup comment.

“In light of this news, I suppose Doctor Mary Gatter will have to find another way to get her Lamborghini, but rest assured – this development does not change my conviction that Planned Parenthood should not be subsidized by American taxpayers,” she said.

The comment refers back to the shocking expose’ video showing Mary Gatter, the Medical director at Planned Parenthood Pasadena and San Gabriel Valley in Calfiornia, discussing selling aborted baby body parts with undercover investigators posing as officials with a biotech company that acts as a middleman to sell aborted baby body parts to universities and other places that conduct such research. Gatter is a senior official within Planned Parenthood and is President of the Medical Directors’ Council, the central committee of all Planned Parenthood affiliate medical directors.


Gatter discusses the pricing of aborted baby body parts — telling the biotech company officials that the prices for such things as a baby’s liver, head or heart are negotiable. She also tells the officials that she could talk with the Planned Parenthood abortion practitioners to potentially alter the abortion procedure to kill the baby in a way that would best preserve those body parts after the unborn child is killed in the abortion.

By the lunch’s end, Gatter suggests $100 per specimen is not enough and concludes, “Let me just figure out what others are getting, and if this is in the ballpark, then it’s fine, if it’s still low, then we can bump it up. I want a Lamborghini.”

Another pro-life member of Congress also responded. Rep. Marsha Blackburn said the investigation into the abortion business should continue.

“I’m glad to see Planned Parenthood is finally recognizing the need to end this disgusting practice. It’s about time,” Blackburn said. “However, there are still many questions yet to be answered surrounding Planned Parenthood’s business practices and relationships with the procurement organizations. This is exactly why the House is investigating abortion practices and how we can better protect life.”
