Amazing Video of Jaxon, Miscarried at 18 Weeks, Shows Unborn Baby’s Humanity

National   |   Sarah Zagorski   |   Sep 23, 2015   |   7:21PM   |   Washington, DC

In May, Jaxon Tanner was born at 18-weeks two months after his mother, Charity Tanner, started suffering from non-stop placenta previa bleeding. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, the condition occurs when the placenta grows in the lowest part of the uterus and covers all or most of the opening to the cervix. In the United States, placenta previa occurs in 1 out of 200 pregnancies.

Jaxon was born with a beating heart but passed away in his mother’s arms shortly after birth. See a picture of him below and more at the bottom of this article.


As LifeNews previously reported, In the United States, 18,000 unborn babies close to Jaxon’s age die in painful late abortions every year. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 9,709 abortions were done at 18-20 weeks and 7,325 abortions were done on babies older than 21 weeks in 2011 alone. However, it is likely that these numbers are lower than the actual amount of late abortions that occur in the U.S. because the CDC has a long-standing history of under-reporting abortion totals.

Although abortion proponents argue that most babies killed in late abortions suffer from rare fetal abnormalities, this is not always the case. The sponsor of the federal Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, Trent Franks (R-Arizona), explained, “More than 18,000 ‘very late term’ abortions are performed every year on perfectly healthy unborn babies in America. These are innocent and defenseless children who can not only feel pain, but who can survive outside of the womb in most cases, and who are torturously killed without even basic anesthesia.  Many of them cry and scream as they die, but because it is amniotic fluid going over their vocal cords instead of air, we don’t hear them.”


The brutality of late abortion doesn’t make them worse than other abortions performed earlier in pregnancy; however, it does stimulate the “moral imagination” of our culture, which is why it is important to share stories of women who have given birth to pre-term babies.

In 2014, Dr. Carter Snead, the director of Notre Dames Center for Ethics and Culture, explained that the science behind fetal pain has the ability to awaken America’s conscience. If America can see an unborn child’s humanity and sympathize with their suffering, then maybe there’s hope we change the way people view all abortion.

Unfortunately, yesterday, pro-abortion Senate Democrats in Congress blocked the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R. 36) with a cloture vote of 54-42, which prevented pro-life Republicans from getting the 60 votes needed to end debate and continue on to a vote on the bill.

Watch the beautiful video tribute to baby Jaxon below. Also, please share it with your friends and family so we can continue showing the humanity of the unborn child.
