Is Planned Parenthood Lying About It’s Web Site Being Hacked? Possible Publicity Stunt?

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Jul 30, 2015   |   12:35PM   |   Washington, DC

The Planned Parenthood abortion business is under heavy public relations fire after it was caught four times negotiating for the sale of body parts from aborted babies and showing no moral qualms about dissecting them in front of undercover investigators.

Since then, Planned Parenthood has played the blame game — going after the pro-life undercover investigators and attacking them rather than owning up to the potentially illegal and obviously immoral activities.

Recently, reports surfaced that anonymous hackers have reportedly broken into Planned Parenthood’s computer system and they say the plan to release emails and other files that will further expose the abortion business in the wake of expose’ videos catching Planned Parenthood doctors arranging for the sale of body parts from aborted babies.

Though the identities of the hackers have not been released, two news web sites that have reported on the hacking claim the hackers are pro-life and reported comments from the hackers saying they hacked the Planned Parenthood computer system as an attack against the abortion giant.

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Planned Parenthood officials later confirmed their computer systems were hacked and claim pro-life people are responsible. However, no evidence has been produced showing either Planned Parenthood’s computer systems were actually hacked nor that the alleged hackers are truly pro-life advocates.

Now, the Planned Parenthood web site is down. But pro-life advocates say something fishy is going on.

“We apologize, but our site is not available because of an extremist attack. 200,000 people a day are now being blocked from information and care by this attack,” the Planned Parenthood web site says. But the site links back to the abortion businesses’ Facebook page.

Why would the abortion giant redirect visitors to its Facebook page?

Some pro-life advocates say the whole thing is nothing more than a publicity stunt to attempt to shift attention from its own actions to alleging pro-life people are behind the hacking.

Pro-Life advocateson twitter noticed some of the coding behind the web site, which gives evidence to that theory.

Meanwhile, The Federalist has also broken down the possible PR stunt:

A review of the source code of the main page that appears at shows that as of 9:30 a.m. today, the page is listed as a “Campaign” and uses a specific template named “Site Down Tempalte” (the typo is theirs). The same page then directs visitors to the Facebook page of Planned Parenthood Action Fund, the political fundraising arm of the nation’s largest abortion provider. The web page for PPAF–which can be accessed via both and–repeats the same hacking claims and contains the exact same source code and template used on the page.

And that’s where Planned Parenthood’s hacking facade begins to crumble. On the splash page declaring that the organization was hacked, visitors are asked “Why do you stand with Planned Parenthood” and invited to share their stories on a separate page housed at

And wouldn’t you know it, that page functions perfectly. No sign of hacking. No sign of intrusion. Just a perfectly functional and secure web page that exists solely to build Planned Parenthood’s mailing list.

That’s right. Even though redirects to a page saying the site was hacked, the domain still house a perfectly functional URL and page that are being actively used to help build Planned Parenthood’s fundraising list. Coincidentally, this “hacking” happened just days after Planned Parenthood decided to hire a PR firm, SKDKnickerbocker, to help manage its response to the widening baby organ trafficking scandal.

Ryan Bomberger, a black pro-life advocate who has been closely monitoring Planned Parenthood, believes the Planned Parenthood hacking claims are a public relations ploy.

“Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion and baby-parts-trafficking chain, tries desperately to cast itself as a victim. A billion-dollar abortion empire makes a claim, like being hacked, and mainstream media never bothers to investigate the lie. Thankfully, those with far less resources than the news media have exposed the hack as yet another Planned Parenthood hoax,” he told LifeNews.

SIGN THE PETITION! Congress Must Investigate Planned Parenthood for Selling Aborted Baby Parts

A top official with Human Life International agrees: “It’s interesting that Planned Parenthood’s ‘education’ page has been taken down, but it was replaced by a clever and perfectly functioning action page, a ‘spontaneous’ marketing strategy, and their donation page seems to be working just fine. This is vintage Planned Parenthood – strategy without truth, and it’s all about the money.”
