In a recent interview with The Blaze, Donald Trump told Dana Loesch that Planned Parenthood should be defunded in light of the recent videos showing their top executives negotiating the sale of aborted babies’ body parts.
Trump said, “It’s disgusting. And absolutely they should be defunded. I thought it was so cavalier, so horrible.”
Meanwhile, Trump said in another recent interview that he favors the pro-life bill to ban abortions after 20 weeks.
In an exclusive to The Brody File, Donald Trump has come out in support of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. The bill, which will be taken up by Congress, prohibits abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.
Donald Trump released his exclusive statement to The Brody File below:
“I support the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and urge Congress to pass this bill. A ban on elective abortions after 20 weeks will protect unborn children. We should not be one of seven countries that allows elective abortions after 20 weeks. It goes against our core values.”
As LifeNews previously reported, in the first video released by the Center for Medical Progress Planned Parenthood’s Medical Director, Deborah Nucatola, flippantly discusses how their affiliates obtain salable organs for harvesting.
In fact, she basically gives instructions on how to perform an abortion if the goal is to attain high quality “specimen” for organ harvesting. She said, “You’re just kind of cognizant of where you put your graspers, you try to intentionally go above and below the thorax, so that, you know, we’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m going to basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.”
Then the abortionist goes on to explain that Planned Parenthood charges per-specimen for baby body parts and is aware of their own liability for doing so. When asked about a price, she said, “I would say it’s probably anywhere from $30 to $100, depending on the facility and what’s involved.” Unbelievably, she admits that some body parts, such as livers and heads, are much more popular and go for a higher price than other specimen.
The second video from the Center for Medical Progress was just a disturbing as the first because it exposed the abortion giant’s true agenda. The Planned Parenthood employee in that video, Mary Gatter, says she’s not in it for the money but later tries to bump up the price for fetal body parts. She says, “Let me just figure out what others are getting, and if this is in the ballpark, then it’s fine, if it’s still low, then we can bump it up. I want a Lamborghini.” Gatter is the Medical Director at Planned Parenthood Pasadena and San Gabriel Valley in California.
In the past, Trump has shared that he is pro-life on abortion. For example, in January he said, “I’m pro-life and I have been pro-life. It’s an issue and a strong issue.” However, Trump admits that at one time he wasn’t against abortion but changed his mind after developing relationships with close friends who have children.
In an interview with the Des Moines Register newspaper, he explained, “If you look at it, I said, ‘It really, really troubles me, and it really, really bothers me, the whole concept of abortion.’ This was years ago, and even then it really bothered me, but I went on the other side of the line,” Trump said. “But in thinking about it over the years, I’ve had instances, and one instance in particular, a friend had a child who they were going to abort, and now they have it, and the child is incredible. And the man, he changed his views also because of that.”
“As I’ve grown older, as I’ve seen things happen in life, I’ve changed my views — and others have also,” he said.
Listen to Trump’s comments about Planned Parenthood the video below.