This Organization Has Saved Almost 390,000 Unborn Babies From Abortion in 6 Years

National   |   Sarah Zagorski   |   Jun 16, 2015   |   12:03PM   |   Washington, DC

Care Net, a national network of 1,130 pregnancy centers, has announced that over the last six years, they’ve saved over 388,000 unborn children from abortion. According to their website, the organization says their mission is to “offer compassion, hope, and help to anyone considering abortion by presenting them with realistic alternatives and Christ-centered support through our life-affirming network of pregnancy centers, organizations, and individuals.”

The non-profit was founded in 1975 and runs the country’s only real-time call center offering pregnancy decision counseling. Care Net pregnancy centers provide free pregnancy test and ultrasounds, as well as parenting support and counseling.

The pregnancy center group noted some of the amazing numbers that reveal the impact it has had.

Care Net-affiliated pregnancy centers have done 579,322 free ultrasound scans and presented the Gospel message to more than one million people. Another 1.1 million mothers received tangible baby items and materials for their newborn and CareNet centers gave out 1.8 million free pregnancy tests.

Approximately 1,180 Care Net affiliated pregnancy centers welcome those facing unplanned pregnancies with life-affirming compassion, hope, and help. Every year about 30,000 people volunteer at these pregnancy centers. And since 2009, there has been a 20 percent growth in the number of Care Net centers providing free ultrasounds to their clients,” it said.

Here’s more:

Care Net has saved 388,691 lives! Where did we get this number? In 2014, we gathered information from our affiliated pregnancy centers to see what impact Care Net has made in the past six years (2008-2013). Of the women who came in considering abortion, 388,691 chose life. This is 8 out of 10 women visiting a Care Net center who were at risk for abortion.

In addition to our pregnancy centers, Care Net has a Pregnancy Decision Line, which takes real-time calls from women and men facing difficult pregnancy decisions. In pursuing Care Net’s mission of providing compassion, hope, and help to women and men facing pregnancy decisions, our centers and Pregnancy Decision Line impact lives. By presenting women and men with realistic alternatives to abortion. our centers help them choose life for their unborn children and abundant life for their families. The 388,691 life decisions made have changed the lives of unborn children and their families.

As LifeNews previously reported, every year 16,000 babies are saved from abortion after their mothers see an ultrasound of their unborn baby at a pregnancy center. When a woman is in crisis, they often can only think about the here-and-now and not about the ramifications an abortion might bring. They are thinking about the reaction of their parents, their friends, and their partner. They are contemplating how much their life will change if they have a baby, and if they can financially care for another human being.

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Others may be in direr circumstances, such as becoming pregnant because of rape or incest, being in an abusive marriage or relationship, or living in extreme poverty, wondering where their next meal will come from. Whatever the situation, these women are looking for help and a solution to their crisis immediately.

This is why when a woman walks into an abortion clinic and hears that abortion doesn’t end the life of another human being and is a safe and fairly pain-free procedure, they leave thinking they may have found what they were looking for. At an abortion clinic, women will not find out that 60% of women who have abortions suffer from post-traumatic–stress disorders, or that suicide rates among women who’ve had abortions are six-times higher than those who have given birth.

They will not hear that abortion will increase their risk of infertility, breast cancer and future ectopic pregnancies. And they most definitely won’t learn about all the women who have been maimed or even killed at the hands of an abortionist. All they will know for certain is that they have an all-eclipsing crisis and the woman at Planned Parenthood told them that abortion is “no big deal”.

However, at pregnancy centers women are given the truth about all their options. Additionally, many centers even provide support for women after they’ve had their baby. They supply women with baby clothes and food, facilitate parenting classes and walk alongside them as they venture into motherhood. Currently in the United States, there are 2,000 of these centers, and it is our duty as pro-lifers to work alongside them in their efforts to save lives.
