In Creepy Interview, Abortionist Kermit Gosnell Shows No Remorse for Snipping Babies’ Necks

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   May 19, 2015   |   1:32PM   |   Washington, DC

Kermit Gosnell was the gruesome abortion practitioner who was convicted on multiple counts of first-degree murder of killing babies who were born alive after abortion. Now, in a reportedly “creepy” interview, Gosnell apparently shows no remorse for snipping the necks of babies in brutal live-birth abortions.

The producers of the upcoming Gosnell movie scored a jailhouse interview with the abortion practitioner. Though no footage or additional details about the interview are yet available to the public Phelim McAleer tells LifeNews that Gosnell showed no remorse and actually believes he is a martyr.

We have just come back from Pennsylvania where we were the first journalists to sit down in prison to interview Gosnell. The two hours we spent interviewing the former abortion doctor were two of the most disturbing hours of our journalistic careers,” McAleer says.

In exclusive comments to LifeNews, McAleer adds: “I have been a journalist for over 25 years covering the troubles in Northern Ireland and Ann and I have done a number of interviews in prisons in Ireland and eastern Europe. We have worked undercover exposing baby-selling in Vietnam and Indonesia but I can honestly say that this interview was one of the creepiest interviews we have ever conducted.”

“Gosnell who is serving life without parole at Huntingdon prison is thought to have murdered hundreds if not thousands of babies in a 30 year killing spree. He would sever the baby’s spinal cords with a pair of scissors but when we spoke to him he showed no remorse, believes he is a martyr and will be released soon,” the filmmaker continues.

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“The interview was one of the creepiest we have ever conducted,” McAleer continued — adding that the abortionist reportedly groped fellow Gosnell movie filmmaker Ann McElhinney, saying “Gosnell continually touched her inappropriately and sang love songs.”

Ultimately, when additional details are made available, “It will be a shocking interview – with shocking details of Gosnells life behind bars and his complete lack of remorse for his horrific crimes.”

McAleer concludes about Gosnell: “He is so relaxed, he has no remorse and behaved completely inappropriately with Ann – – touching her and singing love songs – it was a bizarre, bizarre experience.”

Providing additional details later today, Ann will be interviewed on the Dana Loesch show on The Blaze at 6 pm EST.
