If “Black Lives Matter,” What About the 16 Million Black Babies Killed in Abortions?

Opinion   |   Wesley J. Smith   |   May 15, 2015   |   9:47AM   |   Washington, DC

A study has been published claiming that lower life expectancy among African-Americans has led to one million fewer voters in elections from 1974-2004. From The Atlantic story on the study:

A new paper, “Black lives matter: Differential mortality and the racial composition of the U.S. electorate, 1970-2004,” argues that the racial gap in mortality rates could have a major impact on national politics.

The premise of the paper, by researchers at Mathematica Policy Research, the University of Michigan, Stanford, and Oxford, is simple: Unless you live in Chicago, you can’t vote when you’re dead.

Since overall black health outcomes are worse than white ones, and life expectancies are lower for black Americans, that must have an effect on the results of elections.

Our African-American brothers and sisters do indeed have a lower life expediency, and we should work assiduously to remedy that problem.

But if you really want to find the source of missing African-American voters, it is estimated that more than 16 million African-American babies weren’t born because of abortion.



If you really want to find missing black voters, that’s where I think the finger should be pointed. Because of Roe v. Wade, and what some believe to be the targeting of African-Americans by the abortion industry, there are millions of black voters who never had a chance to cast a ballot. 

LifeNews.com Note: Wesley J. Smith, J.D., is a special consultant to the Center for Bioethics and Culture and a bioethics attorney who blogs at Human Exeptionalism.
