Parents of Newborn Baby Born Without a Nose Call Him “Perfect”

International   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Apr 1, 2015   |   11:05AM   |   Washington, DC

A baby born without a nose has been called perfect by his mother. Eli, was born on March 4, weighing 6 pounds, 8 ounces to proud parents, Brandi McGlathery and Troy Thompson.

But doctors immediately noticed something was different, Eli did not have a nose. At birth, Eli started breathing through his mouth.




Eli Thompson has an extremely rare condition known as complete congenital arhinia and there are only about 37 cases worldwide like his. The chance of being born with congenital arhinia is one in 197 million, his mother told reporters.

“I never expected anything to be wrong with him, every ultrasound I ever had came back normal, so I was expecting a perfectly healthy baby boy, but to my surprise Eli was born without a nose,” Brandi wrote on her Go Fund Me page.


But Eli’s parents are smitten, “We think he’s perfect the way he is,” the newborn’s mother said

“We’re going to do our best to make sure he’s happy. The rest of him is so cute, sometimes you don’t realize he doesn’t have a nose,” she said.

Read more.


LifeNews Note: Reprinted with permission from Life Dynamics.