Most Women Wouldn’t Have Abortions if They Just Saw This Instead

National   |   Sarah Terzo   |   Nov 28, 2014   |   7:39PM   |   Washington, DC

“There was a time before ultrasound that we didn’t realize that movement happened before 16 – 17 weeks. But now with ultrasound you can see that little seven week baby moving, just slight movement, and it’s the first movement of life.

But by the time that baby is nine weeks, 10 weeks old, it’s utilizing the whole uterine cavity and you’ll see the babies waving in the womb, and flipping and sucking their thumbs, and what happens then, when I can introduce that ultrasound to the woman, even when she’s considering abortion, we have found that over 80 to 90% will choose to carry that baby to term, just from seeing the baby on the ultrasound.”

ultrasound4d55Shari Richard, Ultrasound technician on “Time for hope” Christian television show, Dr. Freda Crews, Host, taped September 2010

Richard does not offer any studies to back up the 80 – 90% statistic. Available studies vary on how effective ultrasounds are in dissuading women from aborting. However there are many, many anecdotal stories of women who have seen an ultrasound of their baby and changed their minds about the abortion they were planning.

Richard then said:

“You know, I personally suffered the pain and the grief and the complications related to abortion when I was 18 years old, and I had complications, long-term complications, that developed into a molar pregnancy, where my uterus ruptured, turned into cancer, the doctor told me I couldn’t have children. Then I went into ultrasound school and I saw the blobs of tissue that I thought I aborted were babies, now babies I couldn’t have, and when I would do ultrasounds on women, they told me to turn the monitors away from women considering abortion and I said, I can’t do this, because I was lied to, and I was suffering the grief and pain.”

Richard describes how the babies she sees on ultrasound seem to have their own personalities even before birth:

And these ultrasound babies are so cute because now, the window to the womb is open and you can’t deny that this is a little baby that has personality, that’s jumping, that’s moving.”

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“You know it’s interesting, because I see more babies in the womb that outside, I know their personalities. I know what they do in that large, warm swimming pool. I can tell when they’re sleeping and when they’re waking up.”

Here is a video of the show where this interview took place: Note: Sarah Terzo is a pro-life liberal who runs, a web site devoted to exposing the abortion industry. She is a member of the pro-life groups PLAGAL and Secular Pro-Life. Follower her on Twitter.