In March 1983, OB-GYN and former abortionist Dr. Bernard Nathanson sat down with Canada’s notorious abortionist Henry Morgentaler who helped overturn Canada’s abortion law, to discuss complex issues surrounding abortion on CHCH’s television program “Cherington”.
In a clip of the show posted below, Morgentaler who died last year shatters the pro-”choice” perception that women do not regret their abortions.
Morgentaler tells Nathanson, “I’ll make a confession to you, when I was a medical student in Montreal, I had one girl already which was two years old, and my wife got pregnant while I was a medical student, a poor medical student, and we decided that she should have an abortion. And she did have an abortion under very sordid conditions. Fortunately, it was done by a doctor. Now we regretted that but it was the right decision.”
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Nathanson then asked the abortionist to elaborate on the statement that he regretted the abortion.
Morgantaler responded, “Many women do regret the fact that unfortunately the context of the situation is such that at this point in time we cannot provide the mothering and care which a child needs.”
Morgantaler agreed with the panel that there was a lot of sorrow attached to abortion and that it is not a happy decision for the woman.
Watch the interaction below:
LifeNews Note: Carole Novielli is the author of the blog Saynsumthn, where this article originally appeared.