The story of Nick Vujicic may be one of the most inspirational testimonies you will hear. His life so far has not been without struggles and sense of hopelessness, but Nick has also thrived the short 32 years he has lived so far.
Nick is now a Christian and turns to God and Scripture. He became the president and CEO of a non-profit organization, Life Without Limbs.
Nick once believed that “I felt it was sort of foolish to believe that God loved me when he gave me less than everyone else,” as he told TheBlaze. He has certainly come a long way since then.
Nick was born without arms and legs. As he shares on the website for Life Without Limbs, he was “given no medical reason for this condition.” While many kids experience hurt and pain because of other cruel children, the bullying Nick faced because of his condition and his inability “to have fun or get involved in things my friends were doing[,]” as well as “a lot of uncertainty when he was a child” that Nick and his parents dealt with made him want to give up at a young age.
Part of Nick’s testimony involves how at age 8 he “looked at [his] life and… didn’t really feel that [his] life was worth living…” and thus at age 10 thought about drowning himself. He credits feeling guilty over the pain it would have caused his parents from not going through with it.
Many, whether disabled or not, may look at their lives and feel hopeless. In respecting all life we must also respect ourselves though. We must be pro-life for ourselves as well. We can hardly help others if we cannot help ourselves to have the will to live.
Nick became a Christian at 15 and had his first speaking engagement at 19. He has since traveled to over 44 countries to give motivational testimonies. If a man born without arms or legs, who once thought of giving up does not inspire people, it is uncertain what will.
Part of the understandable uncertainty Nick and his parents faced was wondering how he would have a normal life. Nick does hold a job, as president and CEO of his organization and he is married with a son.
Nick is a truly remarkable man, one who is humble and understanding and gives the glory to God. More of his testimony shared with TheBlaze is full of inspiring pro-life sentiments:
And he’s helping others discover their stories as well.
People are in pain for a variety of reasons, Vujicic said, noting that he’s met middle-aged women still suffering from what their fathers told them when they were children. But he said everyone needs to realize that “this too shall pass.”
“It’s building yourself up in a way to hold onto the truth of who you are and why you’re here on earth and trusting God that even when you cannot walk he’ll carry you,” he said. “Continue to do good unto others as they will do unto you.”
Rather than lash out at bullies, Vujicic encourages people to pray for them and love them.
“Take one day at a time, never give up,” he added. “Know that you’re never a mistake.”
Indeed. None of us are mistakes. We all have a purpose, and Nick and others like him are doing pro-life work every day in helping others to realize that. Had his condition been known to his parents before he was born and had abortion been pushed on them, or had he continued to view himself as a failure and taken his own life, the world would not have had the privilege to know Nick and his story. And we are certainly a lucky, more better world for him.