Is Amazon Selling a Black Market Version of the Plan B Drug?

National   |   Jill Stanek   |   May 26, 2014   |   10:14AM   |   Washington, DC

You won’t hear me say this often, but the pro-abortion website RH Reality Check has posted a well done article, “Buyer Beware: Can we trust cheap Plan B One-Step on Amazon,com?”

This week some on the Left have heralded the discovery that one can purchase Plan B, the name brand for the morning-after pill, on Amazon for a much cheaper price than one can buy it at a pharmacy or clinic.

amazonFor whatever reason, RHRC took a second look at something that would seem almost too good to be true.

Plan B has been spotted on Amazon as low as $16.90, although the cheapest I could find it today was $19.99.

But according to, Plan B sells for about $32.50 wholesale and $39-50 retail.

So there’s something very wrong with the pricing at Amazon.

RH Reality Check reported that Reproductive Health Technologies Project asked vendors offering Plan B on Amazon where they got their product. While some didn’t respond, here’s what some who did said:

When RHTP inquired with the seller tarzon about how it was able to sell the product at such a low price and whether it was safe, the seller replied:

I get this at a very discounted rate and the markup in your local pharmacy is a small fortune but due to pricing on amazon we sell it at a lower price.

The seller SuNNy Side UP replied with similar comments, but stated that its product came from “a clinic.” When asked follow-up questions about its suppliers or the clinic it works with, the seller did not respond to RHTP’s emails.

Some clinics may receive Plan B One-Step at a lower cost through the federal government’s340B Drug Pricing Program to ensure low-income patients have access to various pharmaceutical drugs, but entities that receive drugs under this program “must not resell or otherwise transfer 340B drugs to ineligible patients.” To do so would be considered fraud and a federal crime, and would also limit access to those who need it at low or no cost.

Another vendor, who operates under the name Pharmacy Consultants and sells Plan B One-Step for $16.90, replied to RHTP’s requests stating that he was a licensed pharmacist and was able to sell the product at a deep discount because of a wholesale supplier, although this information is not available on the seller page. When asked about his credentials, the vendor replied that he was a licensed pharmacist in Ohio. He was clear to note that his product “is not from [a] family planning clinic or shop lifted medication.”

One review noted that the product’s box arrived opened, the foil encasing the pill was ripped, and the pill was cut in half. After the reviewer notified the seller, he sent her a new package immediately. Another reviewer noted that the product they received was close to being expired….

It is important to share the information that people seeking EC can obtain Plan B at no cost thanks to the ACA….

I want to back up and relay testimony given by Planned Parenthood Southeast’s President Staci Fox on May 21 during the trial in Alabama regarding the constitutionality of that state’s law requiring abortionists to have admitting privileges at local hospitals.

I wrote on May 16 it has come out that PPSE’s Birmingham clinic was closed in December 2013 not for “remodeling” but because an employee was caught selling prescription drugs in the parking lot.

Fox enlightened the court about that incident. She testified it was an RN who was selling “abortion inducing drugs” in the parking lot, which she got from the clinic. So s/he was selling either RU-486, or Misoprostol, or both. Fox claimed that while PPSE has policies to guard against such illegal behavior, PPSE ended up firing all employees except the abortionist, because “none of the staff could be trusted to apply them.”

So when I read in the RHRC article that Amazon seller “SuNNy Side UP” got his or her Plan B from “a clinic,” I immediately thought of Planned Parenthood, although employees from any family planning clinic that sells Plan B could be culprits.

RHRC, perhaps unintentionally, gave clues to other culprits: Someone getting Plan B cheap through the government’s 340B Drug Pricing Program, or someone getting Plan B free through Obamacare.

All three scenarios are possible and probable. Another possibility would that a fake Plan B company, say out of China, is selling fake or inferior pills. To that end one Amazon reviewer wrote:

Plan B refused to verify lot numbers for products that are bought via amazon.

I called their support online number to verify the lot number of the product.

They said as they do not have a relationship with amazon, they refuse to verify the lot number.

Use at your own risk I guess….

These would all constitute fraud and federal crimes, as noted by RHRC.



Illegalities aside, there is no warning on Amazon that Plan B doesn’t work if a woman weights 176 pounds and begins to lose effective beyond 165 pounds.

Amazon may be (is likely?) participating in black market and unsafe sales of high powered hormonal steroids and should investigate. Note: Jill Stanek fought to stop “live birth abortions” after witnessing one as an RN at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois. That led to the Born Alive Infants Protection Act legislation, signed by President Bush, that would ensure that proper medical care be given to unborn children who survive botched abortion attempts.