Did The Woman Who Videotaped Her Abortion Not Actually Have an Abortion?

National   |   Cassy Fiano   |   May 12, 2014   |   5:29PM   |   Washington, DC

Washington, DC (LiveActionNews) — Emily Letts’ now infamous abortion video shocked people on both sides of the abortion debate, with even some pro-abortion advocates arguing that this video went too far over the line. But now, questions are starting to surface about the entire situation: was the video, in fact, faked?

Kristen Iglesias at Clash Daily brings up a number of puzzling questions which casts doubt onto Letts’ story. The inconsistencies and strange coincidences keep adding up, so could it be possible that Letts, with the help of her employers at the Cherry Hill Women’s Center, fabricated the video?

emilybettsThe first, and most damning, piece of evidence to come to light is that Emily Letts is a failed actress. It also turns out that the Abortion Care Network held an “abortion stigma busting competition”, which had a cash prize for the winners. And yes, her video won. Letts also claimed to be only two to three weeks pregnant — highly suspicious no matter which way you look at it.

She never said whether it was two to three weeks after her last menstrual period, which would be far too early to measure a pregnancy via ultrasound. And an ultrasound is how doctors determine gestational age. So was it two to three weeks after conception, or two to three weeks after her last menstrual period? If it was two to three weeks after conception, that would actually make her about five weeks pregnant. But seeing anything at five weeks pregnant via an ultrasound is extremely difficult — yet Letts claims that she has an ultrasound photo of the baby she killed, a photo she says she will treasure forever. This is what an ultrasound would look like at the stage of pregnancy she claimed to be at:


And while Letts claims that she chose to have a surgical abortion specifically for the sake of doing this video, that also seems hard to believe. In order to have an aspiration abortion, a woman has to be at least six weeks pregnant — but many abortions performed that early are not surgical abortions.

But the most suspicious part of all seems to be that Letts claimed that she had been sleeping with multiple men, without using protection. Not only did Letts claim to eschew using hormonal birth control, she also said that she didn’t use condoms with any of her partners. It seems unlikely that a woman who works at an abortion clinic wouldn’t be knowledgeable about the important of birth control, and she certainly had access to whatever she wanted.

Now, Emily Letts’ video has gone viral, she’s gotten her 15 minutes of fame, and may very well be the next Sandra Fluke, and she won a contest which garnered her a cash prize. Her abortion clinic also got their name out there, possibly garnering them plenty of donations and press from fawning pro-abortion advocates who applauded Letts as brave and strong. Such a coincidence that Letts just happened to get pregnant in time for the contest, and that she took a pregnancy test exactly when it was possible to get a positive result, was able to get an immediate ultrasound, and then within a matter of days have a video edited and packaged together to be entered into this contest!

What do you think? Was her video fake or real?

LifeNews Note: Cassy Fiano is a twenty-something Florida native now living in Jacksonville, North Carolina who writes at a number of conservative web sites. She got her start in journalism at the Florida Times-Union. She is the mother of two sons, one of whom was diagnosed with Down Syndrome. This originally appeared at Live Action News.