GOP Urges Pro-Life Candidates to Stand Their Ground Against Abortion

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Jan 24, 2014   |   2:38PM   |   Washington, DC

The national Republican Party today approved a resolution led by RNC Committeewoman Ellen Barrosse of Delaware urging its pro-life candidates to stand their ground against abortion. The resolution urges its candidates to fight back against deceptive “War on Women” attacks by going on offense and exposing pro-abortion Democrats as the real extremists on abortion.

The resolution specifically condemns the strategy of “staying silent” on the issue, as so many Republican candidates have done to their own detriment.

republicn5bThe “Resolution on Republican Pro-Life Strategy,” drafted by Delaware National Committeewoman Ellen Barrosse and co-sponsored by 15 other RNC members, urges the party organization to “support Republican pro-life candidates who fight back against Democratic deceptive ‘war on women’ rhetoric by pointing out the extreme positions on abortion held by Democratic opponents.”

Barrosse said: “The Republican Party is proudly pro-life and my resolution talks about successful strategies for connecting with American voters on the Life issue. The position on the life issue that Democrats have staked out is extreme, and we want our candidates to know how to fight back against Democrats’ deceptive, ‘war on Women’ rhetoric.”

republican9SBA congratulated the Republican National Committee for passing the resolution to combat the Democrat’s “war on women” narrative and the pro-life women’s group called upon candidates to speak more effectively in support of policies that advance the pro-life cause.

Marjorie Dannenfelser, the head of SBA, said: “Republican committeemen and women affirm what women know. It is time to be fearless, compassionate and purposeful in communicating our life-affirming views. To fail to do so undermines the purpose of running for office: winning so we can lead.”

Pro-abortion politics groups have gotten away with using a phony War on Women manta against pro-life candidates for too long. Responding to it in preparation for the 2014 election, the Republican party is on the verge of approving a resolution encouraging its candidates to be more vocal in opposing abortion and to strike back against inaccurate attacks declaring them as against women or women’s rights.

The text of the resolution follows:


Whereas, The Democrats have waged a deceptive “War on Women” attack against Republican pro-life candidates, demonizing them and manipulating American voters;

Whereas, The Republican Party is proud to stand up for the rights of the unborn and believe all Americans have an unalienable right to life as stated in The Declaration of Independence;

Whereas, Pro-life Republicans should fight back against deceptive rhetoric regardless of those in the Republican Party who encourage them to stay silent;

Whereas, Candidates who stay silent on pro-life issues do not identify with key voters, fail to alert voters to the Democrats’ extreme pro-abortion stances, and have lost their elections;

Whereas, According to the extensive polling conducted by Gallup since 1975, many Republican stances regarding abortion garner at least 60 % support from the public and across the political spectrum:

· 87% support informed-consent laws about certain possible risks of the abortion procedure;
· 80% support banning abortion during the 3rd trimester;
· 71% support parental consent laws;
· 69% support imposing a 24-hour wait period before an abortion;
· 64% of Americans support banning abortion during the 2nd trimester;
· 64% support banning partial-birth abortion;
· 64% support spousal notification laws that require the husband to be simply notified if his wife seeks an abortion;

Whereas, Staying silent fails because this strategy allows Democrats to define the Republican brand and prevents the Republican Party from taking advantage of widely supported pro-life positions listed above to attract traditional and new values voters; and

Whereas, Staying silent fails to alert voters to the Democrats’ extreme pro-abortion stances, which voters are repelled by; therefore let it be

RESOLVED, The Republican National Committee condemns the Democrats’ deceptive “war on women” rhetoric;

RESOLVED, The Republican National Committee will support Republican pro-life candidates who fight back against Democratic deceptive “war on women” rhetoric by pointing out the extreme positions on abortion held by Democratic opponents;

RESOLVED, The Republican National Committee will not support the strategy of Republican pro-life candidates who stay silent in the face of such deceptive rhetoric; and,

RESOLVED, The Republican National Committee urges all Republican pro-life candidates, consultants, and other national Republican Political Action Committees to reject a strategy of silence on the abortion issue when candidates are attacked with “war on women” rhetoric.

Chief Sponsor: Ellen Barrosse, NCW, DE

Debbie Joslin, NCW, AK
Ed Martin, Chairman, MO
Morton Blackwell, NCM, VA
Kathy Hayden, NCW, VA
Donna Cain, NCW, OR
Solomon Yue, NCM, OR
Demetra DeMonte, NCW, IL
Melody Potter, NCW, WV
Kris Warner, NCM, WV
Ron Philips, Chairman, DC
Pat Longo, NCW, CT
Bruce Ash, NCM, AZ
Steve Scheffler, NCM, IA
Dave Agema, NCM, MI
Robin Armstrong, NCM, TX