MSNBC Host Shocked That Pope Francis Opposes Abortion

National   |   Jeffrey Meyer   |   Jan 22, 2014   |   5:18PM   |   Washington, DC

Today marks the 41st annual “March for Life” in which thousands of pro-lifers ascend on Washington D.C. to mark the Roe v. Wade decision and show their solidarity in opposition to abortion, many of them faithful Catholics. Not surprisingly, Pope Francis sent out an official tweet showing his support for the “March for Life” in which he said, “I join the March for Life in Washington with my prayers, may God help us respect all life, especially the most vulnerable.”

msnbc6Unfortunately for one MSNBC host, the fact the Pope would show support for one of the Catholic Church’s most sacred values, the protection of all innocent human life, seemed to be too much to handle. During her daily “Tweet of the Day” segment on Jansing & Co., Chris Jansing sniffed that Pope Francis’s pro-life values were “reflective of ways in which the church certainly has not changed.”

Earth to Chris Jansing: The Catholic Church is and always will be pro-life. No amount of pushing from the liberals at MSNBC will change that. Furthermore, the fact that Jansing would claim that the Pope being pro-life is indicative of how the Catholic Church “has not changed” is insulting to hundreds of millions of pro-life Catholics, other pro-life Christians, and other pro-lifers of other faiths or of no faith who draw inspiration from the pro-life witness of the papacy.



Such sentiments should be of no surprise to most individuals, as MSNBC consistently sympathizes with the abortion community. In fact, at the time of this posting, MSNBC today has failed to bring on its air a single pro-life individual to talk about the “March for Life.” Instead, the “Lean Forward” network brought on NARAL President Ilyse Hogue and NOW’s Terry O’Neill to slam pro-life activists marching in the “March for Life.”

LifeNews Note: Jeffrey Meyer writes for Newsbusters.