Mom Bravely Delivers Her Baby All Alone in Blizzard

State   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Jan 7, 2014   |   2:51PM   |   Indianapolis, IN

As millions of Americans deal with the horribly cold and icy temperatures and conditions outside, Mariah Grove of Indiana has her own battle. She was unable to get to a hospital to deliver her new baby. All alone, she delivered by herself.

According to local news reports, the Indiana mom delivered during a snowstorm on Monday. Grove actually planned for a home birth but when her contractions began she was unable to reach the snowbound support people she expected to be with her. Without her mother and midwife by her side, Grove charged ahead to deliver on her own — giving birth to little Evangeline Beatrix Grove apparently without problem.

More from a local news report:

Grove had never planned on going to a hospital, but she had never planned on giving birth all by herself either.

She said she had all the help she needed from Evangeline Beatrix, who now will forever be known as Evie.



“Once the water broke and I realized this was it, all fear went away. I realized it wasn’t going to help me and that we would be a team and do this together. And we did it,” Grove said.

Little Evangeline Beatrix was born 20 inches long and weighed in at 7.5 pounds. Both mother and baby are doing well.