Alveda King: I Wish I Had Encouraged Nelson Mandela to be Pro-Life on Abortion

Opinion   |   Alveda King   |   Dec 10, 2013   |   11:21AM   |   Washington, DC

At the passing of Nelson Mandela I am acknowledging that he was a humanitarian who gave his life to ending apartheid in South Africa and human racism on this planet.

His efforts to do so, especially when he was a young man, certainly included horrendous acts of violence. He and his wife were “vigilantes for freedom.” Their methods of warfare were designed to match and overpower the inhumane tactics of their oppressors. President Mandela was jailed for many years for his “war crimes.”

Young Nelson and Winnie Mandela were radical rebels and following very much in the philosophy of say a Malcolm X who said we must obtain freedom “by any means necessary.” When I was a young civil rights freedom fighter, we had to deal with Alabama Governor George Wallace. He was a virulent monster of a man who approved the lynching, burning and bombing of African Americans during those days. I lived in “Bombingham” where our family home was bombed by hateful people who didn’t want Black people to be free.  However, George Wallace, and there are pictures of historical accounts if his standing right there and saying that he hated people if they had black skin or brown skin. And he wanted to keep us out and called us bad names. But Jesus Christ came into his life and he repented and he said that he was wrong.

There was another one, Bull Conner, who reminds me of the same hateful spirit that was driving Adolf Hitler. He lived as a terror and he is remembered as a terror today. On the one hand, Wallace recanted. On other hand, Adolph Hitler was never jailed for killing millions of Jews, and his horrible eugenics and genocidal practices are alive today. Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood considered him to be her muse. Unsuspecting people have embraced abortion and killing contraceptives because the slick marketing campaigns of Hitler and Sanger are still alive today. I was once a victim of Planned Parenthood, and was once pro-choice. I didn’t sanction the killing of millions of babies, but I did have two secret abortions. I later repented and now am a voice for the lives of babies and their mothers, the sick and the elderly.

There was another man, John Newton, he wrote the song Amazing Grace. He was a friend and mentored to Wilbur Wilberforce and William Penn. He was bringing black people, African people, transcontinental and bringing them to be sold into the slave trade. It was lucrative and he was making money. It was horrible and yet, when the spirit of the living God got his attention, reminded him of the love and mercy of Jesus Christ, he repented and he wrote a song, “I once was lost, but now I’m found, was blind, but now I see.” A wretch like him, his life was transformed.

Again, I had abortions myself. I was pro-choice at one time in my life. I came to my senses, I repented and turned away from the lies. I was blind and now I see.

The apostle Paul was blinded as far as his mind and his actions were concerned when his name was Saul. And he killed Christians. He was there at the stoning of St. Stephen. And yet, on the way to Damascus Road his physical sight was taken from him when he was confronted, when he was riding his donkey on Damascus road. And he became one of the greatest apostles that the world has known, remembered, and we thank God for the ministry of Apostle Paul.

Over the years Mr. Mandela began to become seasoned; humility came into his life and at 95 years of age, I believe he was a totally different man than the young man who was doing everything he could to ending apartheid but he was giving back as good as he got or as bad as it was. While he sanctioned abortion during his presidency, he was perhaps like me and millions of others who were once deceived into believing that abortion and harmful contraceptives would help our people. I wish I had told him the truth. I didn’t know the truth when I met him in the early 1970’s. So I failed him, I didn’t speak to him about our babies.

What is happening now in the battle to end human injustice, to stop man’s inhumanity to man, whether we are women, men, or little children, is occurring on a divided battleground. Some battle against racism, based upon skin color, or class, or rank. Some battle against reproductive genocide and that is certainly appropriate as well wherein we fight for the lives of the little babies in the worm, their mothers, the sick, and the elderly and demand that they be treated with equality, justice, mercy, and agape love. And then some battle against sexual perversion. That in itself also is a very important fight.

Now, if we can see that we are battling a three headed hydra monster; racism, reproductive genocide, and sexual perversion; and get to the heart of those matters and fight them all together with the understanding that we can overcome evil with good, then, at the death of someone like a Nelson Mandela, some of us would not feel as though he should just be totally lambasted, ostracized, cast out of history and considered to be one of the most terrible people that ever lived.

And so I do acknowledge the work of President Nelson Mandela. He confronted apartheid, a serious evil during his lifetime. He did some things that were not good. And we pray that he had an opportunity to meet his maker before he left the planet and that he was able to reconcile those differences.

I feel that I failed President Nelson Mandela because when I actually met him around 1970 when he was released and he came to America, he visited the Martin Luther King Center. I was pro-choice at that time; ended up having a second abortion and a miscarriage related to the harmful contraceptives and all of that. But over the years, after I became pro-life, after which I became repentantly pro-life. I wish now that I had reached out to President Nelson Mandela. I wish that in the 1990s when he was signing legislation that was going to cause millions or at least hundreds of thousands of babies to be aborted, I wish I had gotten Maafa 21 to him and Blood Money to him. Of course, these films had not been produced at that time but a little later they and many other great truth and life revealing films have been released.



I feel that I failed him by not reaching out to him and trying to get with him and sit down and have a talk about my transformation. How I came from thinking that it was okay to abort a child to knowing that it was wrong because it that’s a sacred human life. I failed but I pray that I don’t fail millions of others and I pray that that message will continue to resonate across the globe.

So I thank God for Jesus, for redemption, for an opportunity to acknowledge the good deeds of people and to pray and repent for not giving them information that I had that could transform their thinking, prick their hearts, and cause them to include the unborn in their battles. Note: Alveda King is the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. King is a leading pro-life voice who formerly had two abortions before having a faith conversion and she now is a speaker for and representative of the educational outreach of Priests for Life and the Silent No More network.