Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor has a new television commercial for his 2014 re-election bid that relies on a Bible and Christian statements to swing voters in this conservative state back to his side for next year’s election. However, Pryor must have missed the Bible verses talking about protecting human life, specifically, “Thou shalt not kill.”
From a story on the television ad:
Pryor’s campaign said the ad will begin airing on Wednesday. In the 30 second ad, Pryor speaks directly to the camera about his faith in the Bible. The ad is a substantial purchase for the campaign and will run statewide.
“I’m not ashamed to say that I believe in God, and I believe in His word. The Bible teaches us no one has all the answers. Only God does. And neither political party is always right,” Pryor says in the ad. “This is my compass. My North Star. It gives me comfort and guidance to do what’s best for Arkansas.”
Pryor ends the ad saying he supports the message because “This is who I am, and what I believe.”
Pryor is considered one of the most vulnerable incumbents in the country, partly because of his party line support of the Affordable Care Act and as his campaign is forced to deal with low approval numbers of Pres. Obama in Arkansas.
Pryor may believe in the Bible personally but he doesn’t put it into practice in his voting record on abortion and pro-life issues. According to the National Right to Life Committee, Pryor has just a 35% pro-life voting record, voting pro-life on just 13 of 37 votes NRLC scored.
Those votes include Pryor opposing a measure to stop the abortion-HHS mandate in Obamacare that is the subject of dozens of lawsuits from groups like Hobby Lobby that don’t want to be forced to pay for birth control and abortion-causing drugs in their health insurance plans for their employees. The pro-abortion votes also include opposing a bill to stop taxpayer funding of the Planned Parenthood abortion business, opposing health care coverage for unborn children, funding the pro-abortion UNFPA, which is involved in China’s one-child policy, and repeatedly opposing the Mexico City Policy to stop taxpayer funding of abortions overseas.