Abortion Activists Annoyed About Concerns Over Sex-Selection Abortions in India

International   |   Dave Andrusko   |   Sep 10, 2013   |   1:16PM   |   Washington, DC

This is one of those who have to see it to believe it—and you don’t believe it anyway. The story comes out of India and the long and the sort of it is there is a shortage of “abortion drugs” (RU-486 and a companion prostaglandin). More specifically, “There is significant decrease in access to abortion drugs since the middle of 2012 following the 2011 Census results that created a nationwide alarm by revealing the worst-ever child sex ratio.”

The article, which appeared in The Hindu newspaper, is a lengthy in-kind contribution to the abortion industry, taking as gospel the claims of Ipas, the notorious international abortion promoter.

But before the newspaper’s “Special Correspondent” spoons out the line from Ipas and the Family Planning Association of India (FPAI), we learn this important fact.

“Experts believe the Census results seem to have put pressure on policymakers and implementing authorities to address the problem of gender biased sex selection by curtailing availability of abortion services, particularly in the second trimester when the sex of the foetus can be known. Some State and district authorities have intensified enforcement and regulation of abortion providers and chemists, resulting in shortage of drugs and services which has adversely impacted women who need an abortion.”

The remainder of the article is a rehash of the international abortion establishment’s mantra on abortion. There are two wrinkles here.

One is how sex-selection abortion is distorting the sex ratio (far more boys than girls)–which the reminder of the story studiously avoids mentioning—and the second are the minimal requirements made of those who are distributing the abortifacients-requiring the “chemist to keep the details of the woman seeking such drugs along with a copy of the prescription.”



This is said to be “cumbersome and even a minor error may make them liable for prosecution and harassment from enforcement agencies.” As if there is some wide-scale campaign in India to reduce abortions across the board. As if there shouldn’t be a record of women ingesting powerful chemicals which have cost the lives of women around the world and which have resulted in thousands of “adverse consequences.”

Never enough abortions, never fast enough, and never enough sources.

LifeNews.com Note: Dave Andrusko is the editor of National Right to Life News and an author and editor of several books on abortion topics. This post originally appeared in his National Right to Life News Today —- an online column on pro-life issues.