Militant Abortion Advocates Besiege Pregnancy Center Providing Women Options

State   |   Kathy Ostrowski   |   Aug 14, 2013   |   5:47PM   |   Wichita, KS

Kansas media hardly covered abortionist Kermit Gosnell’s “House of Horrors” murder trial but were there last week to cover a measly group of 15 abortion supporters conducting a protest tour of states with the fewest abortion clinics. These are self-avowed “Abortion on demand without apology” folks who shamelessly liken their tour across the country to the Freedom Rides of the 1960s.

On Friday, “A Better Choice” pregnancy help center in Wichita, Kansas, was the site for a media event by these activists from As reported by the Wichita Eagle, activists “carried signs with slogans such as ‘Fake Clinic,’ and ‘Stop Forced Motherhood,’ and festooned the front of the building with faux crime-scene tape reading ‘Danger, Crimes Against Women.”

The Eagle also reported that Wichita’s National Organization for Women (N.O.W.) chapter declined to join with the protesters. Why? Although they agree with the messaging, the activist’s “more militant” tactics “may be too strong for Wichita and could backfire by stoking anti-abortion passions.”

Vicki Stangl, immediate past president of the group said, “We’re not trying to beat people over the head.”

That “softer” approach might be a head-scratcher for those who have been watching the state N.O.W. group over the past two years, who :

· defiantly banged a stamping machine on the podium during legislative testimony,

· dragged automobile tires into the Capitol to protest a law removing the “spare tire protection” of abortion coverage, and

· orchestrated email bombs to the pro-life governor.



Anarchy, not mere militancy seems all the rage. After all, didn’t Texas attract thousands of abortion supporters (with the help of CraigsList) hoping to bombard legislators with soiled feminine hygiene products inside the Capitol? Was it a sick joke, or something else, when they chanted, “Hail Satan”?

That stridency didn’t work in Texas. It won’t work in most places. For sure (as N.O.W. tacitly admitted) it won’t work in Kansas. Note: Kathy Ostrowski is the legislative director for Kansans for Life, a statewide pro-life group.