Video: Medical Experts Confirm Unborn Children Feel Pain During Abortion

State   |   Elizabeth Graham   |   Jul 8, 2013   |   1:07PM   |   Austin, TX

Three medical specialists discuss the science of preborn children experiencing pain during an abortion procedure. House Bill 2 and Senate Bill 1, currently considered in the Special Session of the Legislature, establish the state’s interest in protecting the lives of preborn children who feel pain.

Dr. Paul Liu, Dr. Ingrid Skop, and Dr. Greg Bonnen all speak to the behavioral and physiological evidence confirming that preborn children feel pain.

Critical care physician and pediatrician Dr. Paul Lui witnesses firsthand children born extremely premature, where there is little to no difference between his fully-birthed patients and those still in the womb.

As an obstetrician, Dr. Ingrid Skop interacts with pregnant women and sees the movements and responses from a preborn child in the womb.

Representative Greg Bonnen, a neurosurgeon, has been a prominent figure in Texas for over 20 years. Explaining the inner-workings of the human nervous system, Dr. Bonnen illustrates how the infrastructure of the nervous system is fully developed and functioning to make pain possible.

Myriad scientific evidence shows that preborn children feel pain. Texas should act on its responsibility to protect these most vulnerable tiny Texans. Note: Elizabeth Graham is the president of Texas Right to Life.