Despite New Baby, Kanye West Promotes Abortion in New Album Yeezus

National   |   Cassy Fiano   |   Jun 22, 2013   |   4:08PM   |   Washington, DC

Hollywood, CA (LiveActionNews) — Well, it finally happened: rapper Kanye West and professional famehound Kim Kardashian had their baby, a girl, this weekend. Unfortunately for the “happy” couple, though, the birth was marred by an ill-timed leaking of a single off Kanye West’s newest album, Yeezus. (The title is a mix of Kanye’s nickname, Ye, and Jesus. Get it?) Just before Kim gave birth to his child, the song “Blood on the Leaves” hit the internet, and considering that this song is basically an ode to abortion, the leak was ill-timed indeed.

In the song, West tells the tale of a married man who has an affair and his mistress gets pregnant. He, of course, wants her to have an abortion, because duh, that’s what you do when a baby is inconvenient. Much to his dismay, though, the mistress chooses to keep the baby rather than have an abortion, which is just terrible because now he has to tell his wife about the affair and can no longer afford nice things like fancy cars and cocaine. LifeSiteNews spotlighted the charming lyrics:

Then she said she impregnated; that’s the night your heart died
Then you gotta go and tell your girl and report that
Main reason ’cause your pastor said you can’t abort that….
Now your driver say that new Benz you can’t afford that
All that cocaine on the table you can’t snort that
That going to that owing money that the court got
On and on that alimony, uh, yeah-yeah, she got you, Homie
‘Til death but do your part – unholy matrimony.

To make it even better, the song samples Billie Holiday’s Strange Fruit, which is about lynchings of blacks in the South. Because abortion and lynchings are totally the same thing, right?

Of course, none of this is exactly new for Kanye West, who has talked about abortion in the past – mainly complaining about how it would cost him too much money. Because clearly, West finds his money and his lifestyle more important than anything else.

Now, the antics of a narcissistic celebrity who wants to avoid responsibility at all costs aren’t exactly surprising, or even newsworthy. But this song, and the timing of the “leak,” is so abhorrent that it’s made a lot of people outraged. However, the pro-aborts have been silent on this debacle, which is strange, because you’d think they’d be praising him to the high heavens. Finally, a man who behaves exactly as they want him to!

After all, pro-aborts don’t appreciate men who step up after an unplanned pregnancy and intend to be fathers to their children. Even worse are the ones who dare to have feelings when their partners choose to have an abortion, because how dare they? Men totally aren’t allowed to have feelings about abortion. They’re allowed only to reach for their wallets before driving the girls to the clinic. I guess Kanye would have some points deducted for complaining about the cost, but then again, the pro-aborts would probably agree with him there. After all, they want abortions to be taxpayer-funded so that women don’t have to pay.

But really, what makes Kanye a pro-abort role model is his enthusiasm for using abortion as a way to deal with the inconvenience of a pregnancy from the girl a man is using solely for sex and had no intention of committing to. These are evidently the real men: men who screw a girl, get her pregnant, and then run at the threat of responsibility and adulthood. All men should be more like Kanye, right? Then we wouldn’t have any men bothering women with their pesky “penisfeels,” or trying to convince women to actually keep the blob of tissues, or acting like the product of conception in any way has anything to do with men.



Nope, far better is the man who uses women and pressures them to have abortions because he doesn’t want to lose money for expensive toys and drugs. But this is the pro-abort version of the ideal man, because no one should ever, ever have a baby when it might mess up his perfect life. So it seems clear that Kanye West could be called the perfect pro-abort role model. If the pro-aborts disagree, then perhaps it’s time they rethink their position.

LifeNews Note: Cassy Fiano is a twenty-something Florida native now living in Jacksonville, North Carolina who writes at a number of conservative web sites. She got her start in journalism at the Florida Times-Union. She is the mother of two sons, one of whom was diagnosed with Down Syndrome. This originally appeared at Live Action News.