One of the latest chapters in the saga of Planned Parenthood’s incestuous, self-perpetuating relationship with the government is playing out in Massachusetts, where State Representative Martha Walz this month took over the leadership of Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts (PPLM). She also became head of PPLM’s political advocacy machine, Planned Parenthood Action Fund. Walz resigned her seat in the senate mid-February to take over the top spot on the payroll of Massachusetts’ government-funded abortion giant.
Walz is an attorney and politician, which apparently makes her imminently qualified to serve as president and CEO of the tax-money-guzzling abortion and sex business that portrays itself as a healthcare organization. The position is a lucrative one. In 2011, the former PPLM CEO, Sarah Stoesz, sacked $268,710, putting her at the number eight spot on the hierarchy of highest paid Planned Parenthood CEOs.
It seems that legislators who scratch Planned Parenthood’s back stand to get repaid with remarkably high paying jobs that bring them into the top 1.5 percent or so of household incomes in the U.S., while at the same time availing Planned Parenthood of the political capital that only former longtime legislators can own.
According to the Boston Globe, “Heading up Planned Parenthood is a logical move for Walz. In 2007, she cosponsored a law expanding to 35 feet the buffer zones that keep demonstrators away from abortion clinics.” In reality, the buffer zones serve to keep abortion customers entering the facilities away from those who would offer them alternatives to abortion, very effectively cutting into Planned Parenthood’s bottom line.
“Little did I know . . .,” the Globe quotes Walz, “that I would one day be crossing that buffer zone on my way to work.”
Walz served three terms as a state representative and had begun her fourth when she walked off the job to run Planned Parenthood.
The Globe revealed Walz’s intent to influence legislation in favor of Planned Parenthood sex education in schools, and hurled barbs at pregnancy help centers, saying that as the Planned Parenthood CEO, Walz will have to deal with “the outfits masquerading as pregnancy advice centers that try to dissuade women from seeking abortions, sometimes through deception. And, since a goal of Planned Parenthood is preventing unwanted pregnancies, she’ll be pushing to improve the quality of sex education in schools.”
The fawning article closes with the zinger, revealing the real reason that Planned Parenthood hired a politician rather than a healthcare administrator to run the organization: “Under Walz,” the author says, “Planned Parenthood will be more political in general, focusing anew on bolstering candidates who support abortion rights. Under state law, she can’t lobby her old colleagues for a year. Then she’ll be back, sharp as ever and full of vim. But this time, she will be trying to influence legislation, not make it herself.”
Welcome to the new America, driven by legislators who work tirelessly to zap our First Amendment rights, our parental rights, even the right to life itself, in favor of legislation that props up the nation’s largest abortion chain.
Maybe Walz can’t lobby, but she can certainly work to get like-minded abortion zealots elected. In fact, in one of her first acts as the head of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, she endorsed pro-abortion candidate Edward Markey in his Senate bid. Markey has a 100 percent pro-abortion ranking from Planned Parenthood “for his voting record on women’s issues and abortion rights.”
“We are pleased to stand with the Planned Parenthood Action Fund in support of Congressman Markey, who is unwavering in his support for women’s health,” Walz said in a statement. “Massachusetts voters are proud of our long history of electing U.S. Senators who put smart policies ahead of political ideologies and who will not compromise on women’s access to healthcare. We must carry on that tradition and elect Congressman Markey.”
Every time another politician takes over a Planned Parenthood facility, and every time Planned Parenthood spends thousands of dollars to sway an election, America loses, while Planned Parenthood gets another leg up on self-perpetuation.
The beast has become the government, and the government has become the beast. Already there is no clear line of demarcation.
Call your legislators today and insist that they totally defund Planned Parenthood before it totally takes control of our country. Note: Rita Diller is the national director of American Life League’s Stop Planned Parenthood Project.