Two Dangerous Abortion Practitioners Who Killed Patients Retire

State   |   Jill Stanek   |   Feb 4, 2013   |   7:29PM   |   Lansing, MI

Great news: Two bottom-feeding abortionists in Michigan have retired.

2013-02-04_1118Both Alberto Hodari (top photo) and Enrique Gerbi (bottom photo) allowed their medical and pharmacy licenses to expire as of January 31, 2013 (Hodari here and here [plus pharmacy at four other locations]; Gerbi here and here).

Pro-life activist Lynn Mills first got wind of Hodari’s retirement in December when a receptionist at one of his five Michigan locations let the news slip. Since then Lynn has been watching for his license to lapse, during which time she noticed Gerbi’s was also expiring. Gerbi was a circuit riding abortionist for Hodari, among others.

At his high point Hodari owned 14 Michigan abortion clinics in 1988.

Abortionist Jacob Kalo has purchased two of Hodari’s remaining mills in Sterling Heights and Southfield, and abortionist Theodore Roumell has purchased his mills in Lansing and Flint. Both Kalo and Roumell are quacks in their own right. Hodari’s Livonia dump in Livonia is presently closed “for remodeling” (see photo below left) and at various times has been up for sale. Hopefully, it will be demolished.

Hodari has killed at least three patients, 17-yr-old Chivon Williams in 1995, 32-yr-old Regina Johnson in 2003, and 15-yr-old Tamilia Russell in 2004.

Hodari has also been sued for malpractice several times, including a case in 2010 when he (co-sued with Roumell) left a baby’s head inside the mother, resulting in a hysterectomy, and another case in 2010 when he missed an ectopic pregnancy. In 2009 Caitlin Bruce sued Hodari for committing a forcible abortion in 2008 when she was 18.

In 2007 Wayne State University’s Medical Students for Choice invited Hodari to speak, during which he bragged his medical license gave him a “license to lie” and that he didn’t wash his hands between patients. Students for Life caught it all on video.

In 2008 pro-life activist Monica Miller turned over to authorities hundreds of patient records and aborted babies found in Hodari’s trash (for which Hodari was neither prosecuted nor fined).

Hodari likes to spend his blood money on cars. Here’s Hodari in 2008 driving one of several in his collection….

hodari car 1-thumb-500x374

Hodari also likes to vacation. Here’s a photo of he and wife Nancy in St. Maarten in 2011 (from Nancy’s Facebook page)…


Lynn Mills has been tracking Hodari for years and deserves much credit for this post. She wrote to me, “So now one of the most notorious, dangerous, and evil abortionists in the State of Michigan, and in this country, is about to quietly walk into the sunset. I’ll settle for him not killing any babies any longer.”

Abortionist Gerbi has had at least 11 malpractice lawsuits filed against him. In 1984 a baby girl was aborted alive after a saline abortion gone wrong by Gerbi. Baby Vanessa did not receive proper care at birth and suffered profound mental and physical harm. It is not known what became of her.

Real Choice recounts an incident where Gerbi was caught on tape in 1993 kicking pro-lifer Terri Buckshaw in the behind. Buckshaw had approached him with information after he had agreed in a new and interesting way to let her speak with him by saying, “You can suck my d***, yes.” When Buckshaw turned around, Gerbi kicked her. A police report was filed. Gerbi was charged but never prosecuted.

Lynn Mills was the one who videotaped the incident and today, for the first ever, it was made public on YouTube…



The good news is the number of abortion clinics and abortion deaths is vastly shrinking in Michigan. I spoke this morning with Right to Life of Michigan’s Pam Sherstad, Director of Public Information.

Pam told me at one time there were 72 abortion clinics in Michigan. Now there are 29 surgical abortion clinics, and two medical, or 31 total – 43% of what once was.

In 1987 there were 49,098 babies killed by abortion. In 2011 that number had been cut to less than half, 23,366, or 48%.

Abortion proponent Angi Becker Stevens coincidentally complained today on RH Reality Check about the lack of abortion access in Michigan.

I suppose Angi would like Hodari and Gerbi back? Note: Jill Stanek fought to stop “live birth abortions” after witnessing one as an RN at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois. That led to the Born Alive Infants Protection Act legislation, signed by President Bush, that would ensure that proper medical care be given to unborn children who survive botched abortion attempts.