After Mitt Romney and the Republican party lost the presidential election last November, numerous voices from the right side of the aisle have come forward to urge the party to take a more moderate stance on important issues in the months leading up to 2014 and 2016.
From immigration to abortion, it is being advocated that conservatives should stay quiet and fall in line so the party can win more votes. But if there is a lesson to be learned from 2012, it is that Republicans need their conservative base. And we will not be silent. The moderate wing of the Republican party must understand and come to terms with the fact that those involved with the pro-life movement cannot and will not compromise when it comes to abortion. There is no middle ground. Life is sacred. We will be the voice for the voiceless, the defense for the defenseless.
Living beings are begotten by living beings. No living thing was ever begotten by a non-living being. This is an observable truth in nature. No rock has ever caused a plant, insect or animal to be brought to life. Each species reproduces according to its kind. So when a woman becomes pregnant, we can know with certainty she is begetting a human life. The cells in the human body are living; they consume energy and reproduce themselves through mitosis, where the mother cell evenly divides the chromosomes in its nucleus into two identical sets of nuclei, producing two daughter cells. These daughter cells then become mother cells and repeat the process This process takes place in every organ system in the human body – the skin, eyes, heart, liver, kidneys and so on – and continues from conception until death, when this cell function ceases.
However, in order to produce a new human being, two cells with half a set of chromosomes, the sperm and the egg, join their half set of chromosomes to produce one cell that now contains a whole new set of chromosomes with all the instructions it will ever need to develop into old age. A new life has been created. This new cell has its own DNA, separate from the mother in whose body this cell will reside. The only difference between this new life and you is time – time to develop, to become a fetus, a newborn, a toddler, a child, a teen, a young adult, an adult, a senior. Within a few hours, this single cell will divide by mitosis and become two. Twelve to 15 hours later, it will divide again to become four, eight, sixteen and so on. At 21 days, before a woman even knows she is pregnant, a heartbeat is detectable. By 32 days, arms and hands are developing. If the fetus were to continue to develop at this rate, it would weigh 1.5 tons when it was born! Amazingly, the instructions contained in its DNA tell it when to slow down.
Abortion destroys this life. Abortion removes half the amniotic fluid available to the growing child and replaces it with concentrated salt which burns it’s delicate skin. The baby breathes it in, swallowing it, and it poisons the baby, burning it from the inside out as well. After a painful hour or so, the child dies. Mom goes into labor and delivers the shriveled, dead baby around a day and a half later.
Abortion enters the uterus, grabs the baby’s leg or arm with a pair of forceps, and pulls it into the birth canal, except for the head, which remains in the womb. A pair of scissors or other sharp instrument is then jammed into the back of the baby’s skull. The scissors are forced apart to enlarge the wound. The scissors are then removed and a suction catheter is inserted in its place to suck the baby’s brains out of its skull. Once the head is collapsed, the body is completely removed. In 2007, Gonzales v. Carhart was argued before the Supreme Court and testimony from abortionist Dr. Martin Haskell was presented as evidence on how dilation and extraction, also called D&E or partial birth abortion, is performed. After his clinical explanation, a nurse who witnessed the same method on a 26 1/2-week fetus also testified:
“‘Dr. Haskell went in with forceps and grabbed the baby’s legs and pulled them down into the birth canal. Then he delivered the baby’s body and the arms–everything but the head. The doctor kept the head right inside the uterus. . . .
“‘The baby’s little fingers were clasping and unclasping, and his little feet were kicking. Then the doctor stuck the scissors in the back of his head, and the baby’s arms jerked out, like a startle reaction, like a flinch, like a baby does when he thinks he is going to fall.
“‘The doctor opened up the scissors, stuck a high-powered suction tube into the opening, and sucked the baby’s brains out. Now the baby went completely limp. . . .
“‘He cut the umbilical cord and delivered the placenta. He threw the baby in a pan, along with the placenta and the instruments he had just used.’”
Abortion dilates the cervix and pulls the child apart, limb by limb, piece by piece. Suction is used to remove any remains.
Abortion is barbaric. It is brutal. It is murder.
That a civilized society would willingly engage in such a practice defies understanding or comprehension. Not only does our society engage in abortion, it celebrates it. The Center For Reproductive Rights released a video, “Happy 40th Anniversary, Baby,” lauding the Roe v. Wade decision 40 years ago, promising to continue to fight for a woman’s right to slaughter her child. Television personality Touré Neblett used his platform on MSNBC’s The Cycle to “thank God and country” for the abortion his girlfriend obtained years ago, which allowed him to continue to live his life as he pleased. He’s thankful a child with his blood coursing through its veins was either ripped apart piece by piece, or chemically burned to death, or simply sucked out of its mothers womb because doing so made his life easier. This is how calloused we have become.
The heart of this country is now so hard that most have bought into the lie that a life is somehow worth less than nothing if it came into being through rape or incest. Life begins at conception; this truth doesn’t change with the circumstances. Whether a woman chooses to become pregnant, fails to take birth control, is a victim of rape or incest, is carried away in the heat of the moment, the life that is created is still alive! And abortion ends that life.
Since January 22, 1973, our country has actively participated in the slaughter of 55,000,000 daughters, sons, sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, grandmothers, grandfathers who could have been teachers, activists, writers, television personalities, Senators, Congressmen or Congresswomen, lawyers, doctors, scientists, biologists, geologists, cashiers, janitors, people with potential and the ability to love and be loved. Even the left realizes what abortion does. Make a pro-abortion activist angry and count the seconds until they hurl a “Your mom should have aborted you” insult your way for proof that everyone intrinsically understands that the child developing in the womb is a living person.
Those who support the right to life, no matter the circumstances of conception, are considered radical. How could they be so heartless as to force a mother to carry the child of her rapist to term? How could they be so heartless as to force a mother who doesn’t want a child to have one? Our thinking is so twisted that we think it’s better to murder a helpless, defenseless, voiceless, innocent child than to give it life. Just because a child is unplanned does not mean it is doomed to a life devoid of love. There are parents all across America whose arms are empty and aching for the opportunity to love a child someone else doesn’t want, regardless of that child’s race, gender or ability. It is not more humane to kill that child than to give it an opportunity to reach its full potential. There are worse things in life than being unwanted, like being slaughtered in your mother’s womb.
Conservatives who are pro-life are passionately so because life is at risk. We will not compromise because there can be no compromise when an innocent baby’s life is on the line. Instead of the moderates calling for us to quiet down, perhaps the right would be better served by recognizing why we believe this issue is so important and supporting and respecting candidates who value life. After all, if the “extremists” in the pro-life movement are wrong, who have they harmed? If it is extreme to be passionately pro-life so be it; this is far preferable to having the blood of millions of innocents on your hands.