Canadians Flood MPs, Upset 491 Babies Left to Die After Abortions

International   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Dec 3, 2012   |   7:06PM   |   Ottawa, Canada

Canadians are unhappy after the story LifeNews features recently showing 491 babies have been born alive and subsequently left to die following failed abortions.

Figures from Statistics Canada, a federal government agency, show 491 babies were born alive following botched abortions during the period from 2000-2009 and left to die afterwards. The numbers have pro-life advocates up in arms.

Over 4,600 emails have been sent to the House of Commons in the last four days alone as director, Mike Schouten says, “Canadians are rightly concerned with Canada’s lack of legal protection for pre-born children, and have taken that concern to new levels as they observe the erosion of protection for born children.”

Canadians are rightly concerned with Canada’s lack of legal protection for pre-born children, and have taken that concern to new levels as they observe the erosion of protection for born children,” he told LifeNews. “491 children, already born, have been left to die and we have not heard anything from our justice system, political leaders, or mainstream media. What is going on?”

“Last Thursday we posted a letter on our website asking Canadians to use our SimpleMail program to email their Member of Parliament expressing concern over this serious injustice and the response has been incredible,” Schouten said. The thousands of emails came in response to the letter and email program to contact MPS. encourages Canadians to participate in the democratic process by regular communication with MP’s. They facilitate this communication by using SimpleMail technology which allows people to send an email to their MP, Prime Minister Harper, the Justice Minister and the leaders of the opposition parties.

The letter to MP’s asks them to do all they can to address the recognition of rights of unborn children under law and ends with these words: “An abortion law would stop the erosion of the rights of born children. Here, I believe the majority of Canadians can find common ground.”

Schouten recently wrote more about what is happening:

Alone among advanced nations, Canada has no law on abortion. None since 1988 when the Supreme Court of Canada swept aside the protections pre-born children enjoyed under the Criminal Code.

Leading pro-choice advocates regularly argue that if the law recognizes the rights of pre-born children, even minutely, Canadians might develop alternative thoughts regarding abortion. Joyce Arthur, the executive director of the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada, once said, “If the fetuses are recognized in [law], …it could bleed into people’s consciousness and make people change their minds about abortion.”



Unfortunately, rather than moving back up the “slippery slope” leading towards a more inclusive human rights doctrine in Canada, Canadian jurisprudence tells a very different and very ominous story. While the promotion of infanticide by “ethicists” such as Peter Singer and two philosophers in a recent issue of the Journal of Medical Ethics is generally dismissed by the public as extreme, Canada’s top legal experts are increasingly using our lack of legal protection for pre-born children as an excuse to enter the world wherein infanticide is an acceptable practice for women who have given birth and don’t receive the support they require to take care of their newborn child.

Read the rest here.

The Born Alive Infants Protection Act in the United States, signed into law by pro-life President George W. Bush, protects such babies in the U.S. and it came into existence after pro-life nurse Jill Stanek noticed babies born alive and left to die at his Chicago-area hospital.

This issue is still controversial given that pro-abortion President Barack Obama repeatedly failed to support the bill approved in the Illinois legislature to provide appropriate medical care and protection for such babies.