On the Jay Leno show last night, President Barack Obama lied again to voters by repeating his false statement that planned Parenthood does mammograms. That’s despite the abortion business admitting last week that it only refers women for them, as any legitimate medical center would do.
Obama’s comment drew immediate criticism from pro-life advocates.
“Planned Parenthood is an abortion-centered, profit-driven business, funded by taxpayers who oppose their practices,” Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser told LifeNews. “The President and his allies are using scare tactics with women’s health in order to get their vote. President Obama should be exposed for promoting these falsehoods.”
She continued: “Planned Parenthood is America’s largest abortion provider – performing 392 abortions for every individual adoption referral it makes – and does not provide comprehensive, whole woman’s health care, including mammograms. We once again call on President Obama to immediately stop misleading the American people by repeating the falsehood that Planned Parenthood provides mammograms. As she has taken time off to campaign for him full time, perhaps Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards could set the President straight.”
Planned Parenthood is not a mammogram provider. A recent paper pointed out that abortion is 125 to 165 times more profitable than mammography. During fiscal year 2009-2010, Planned Parenthood reported more than one billion dollars in net assets.
Moreover, Casey Mattox of Alliance Defending Freedom recently pointed out that, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, no Planned Parenthood clinic in the country is authorized to perform mammograms under the federal Mammogram Quality Standards Act.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well — you know, I don’t know how these guys come up with these ideas. Let me make a very simple proposition.
LENO: Mm-hm.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Rape is rape. It is a crime. And so, these various distinctions about rape and, you know — don’t make too much sense to me. Don’t make any sense to me. The second thing this underscores, though, this is exactly why you don’t want a bunch of politicians — mostly male — making decisions about women’s health care decisions. I — women are capable of making these decisions in consultation with their partners, with their doctors. And, you know, for politicians to want to intrude in this stuff, often times without any information, is a huge problem. And this is obviously a part of what’s at stake in this election. You’ve got a Supreme Court that — you know, typically a president is gonna have probably another couple of appointments during the course of his term. And, you know, Roe vs. Wade is probably hanging in the balance. You’ve got issues like Planned Parenthood where, you know, that organization provides millions of women cervical cancer screenings, mammograms — all kinds of basic healthcare.
LENO: Right.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: And so I think it’s really important for us to — to understand that women are capable of making these decisions and that these are not just women’s issues. These are family issues.