Moms Helped by Pregnancy Centers Move Congressman to Tears

National   |   Margaret Hartshorn   |   Jun 7, 2012   |   1:54PM   |   Washington, DC

It’s not every day that you see a Congressman shed tears for the unborn.

When Miranda Powell walked into Rep. Mike Turner’s (R-OH) office with her son Bentley last January that’s exactly what happened. Miranda and Bentley were visiting his office as part of Heartbeat’s Babies Go to Congress.

While she shared her story with Rep. Turner they discovered that Miranda had attended middle school with his daughter. Miranda’s story became very real and personal in that moment and Rep. Turner began to cry.

There is no doubt that he will remember that moment for the rest of his career. He clearly understood the message that Babies Go to Congress brings: Pregnancy centers are good for America!

We need more life-changing moments like this. Our nation is facing a critical time in pro-life history. Now, more than ever, legislators need to hear from the women served by our pregnancy centers. When “pro-choice” Members of Congress meet real mothers who chose life for their babies because of the practical help they received from a pregnancy help center, well, actually it’s disarming. And they listen to us!

We are going back to Capitol Hill with a new team of moms and babies July 18-19, 2012. This is a powerful way to show the effectiveness of the pregnancy help movement. You can be sure your voice is heard by as many legislators as possible by helping us fund more moms and babies to make the trip to Washington, D.C.




 Note: Margaret Hartshorn is the president of Heartbeat International, a worldwide network of over 1,100 pregnancy resource centers.