In the first half of a 40 Days for Life campaign volunteers can be hesitant and some in the community may be skeptical of the ongoing vigil … BUT by the second half of the campaign, the focus shifts to the reality of abortion in the community and the campaign effort begins to rapidly snowball!
In fact, we are starting to get reports of clinic workers on the brink of conversion (more on this in a future e-mail) and the numbers at the vigils are growing — and growing fast!
Here are a few examples.
Students at the Father Pierz School of Religion are taking part in the St. Cloud campaign. The school administrator says these 8th to 12th graders watched a video on abortion, made pro-life posters, then participated in 40 Days for Life events outside Planned Parenthood.
“We talked about how women who are seeking abortions need our love,” said the administrator. “Women who have had abortions need our love more than ever – and the love of Jesus.” Students were inspired to stand up for what they believe in and to not be afraid to stand up against abortion.
“The students held their posters with pride as cars drove by and honked or waved. Every time a car would honk, the students would cheer loudly,” she said. “It was a beautiful site to witness.”
“As these days tick by and we stay out consistently, we are starting to attract more attention and reactions,” said Erin in Lancaster.
She said it’s especially gratifying to see teenagers and young adults at the 40 Days for Life vigil in Lancaster. “It is our age group that has the largest percentage of abortions,” Erin said, “and we need to represent what freedom God has blessed our generation: freedom in truth, goodness, love and life.”
There have been some unfriendly reactions to the vigil, Erin said, “but it seems that for every one bad gesture or comment, there are maybe twenty affirming ones. That is better than expected!”
About 50 people gathered outside Planned Parenthood recently for a special event during the Canton 40 Days for Life campaign – the Day of Mourning for African-American Babies and All the Unborn.
About 12 percent of the total U.S. population is black. But an estimated one third of all abortions involve black mothers. Other estimates suggest that as many as half of all African-American pregnancies end in abortion.
“The event, conducted by Pastors Walter and Darleen Moss, was an hour of prayer, praise, sermons and testimonies,” said Linda in Canton. “Due to his stand for all the unborn and his willingness to speak out from the pulpit, his road has not been easy.”
She thanked them for speaking the truth and spreading the Word of God with the love and compassion of Jesus Christ. “We are so blessed to have both of them leading us to building a Culture of life,” she said. Note: Shawn Carney is the campaign director for the 40 Days for Life pro-life prayer campaign against abortion. He is the director of the Coalition for Life.