Newt: Obama Most Radical Pro-Abortion President in History

Politics   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Jan 17, 2012   |   5:37PM   |   Columbia, SC

During the Faith and Freedom Coalition event Monday in South Carolina, which votes in the Republican primary election this weekend, GOP presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich pressed pro-life themes in his speech.

Gingrich called for de-funding Planned Parenthood — something he has called for previously — and bashed pro-abortion President Barack Obama’s pro-abortion record.

“I would like to defund Planned Parenthood,” Gingrich said. “I want to take all of that money and put it directly into adoption services to give young women the choice of life, not the culture of death.”

Gingrich called for revoking taxpayer funding for the abortion business last year, when he said in March, “I want to say I strongly endorse his cutting out all funding for Planned Parenthood which has become a major source of abortion in America.”

But when shifting to Obama, the former House Speaker didn’t mince words.

“And, of course, Obama is even worse,” he said about the president. “Obama voted in Illinois that a doctor could kill a baby if it was born alive during the abortion, and it was okay. I was always amazed that no one made a big point of this in the 2008 campaign. Obama is far and away the most radical pro-abortion president in American history. We ought to take him head on.”


Gingrich compiled a 98.6 percent pro-life voting record on pro-life issues ranging from abortion to embryonic research during his time in Congress. For the 20 years that Gingrich served in Congress (1979-1999), Gingrich supported the pro-life position in 70 out of 71 votes.

Gingrich voted in favor of a ban on partial-birth abortion and also voted to cut federal funding to organizations that perform or promote abortions abroad, including the United Nations Population Fund, which is complicit in carrying out China’s One Child Policy. In addition, Gingrich supported restrictions on funding for assisted suicide.

Gingrich recently restated his pro-life views, saying he believes life begins at conception, or fertilization.

“As I have stated many times throughout the course of my public life, I believe that human life begins at conception,” Gingrich said in the statement. “I believe that every unborn life is precious, no matter how conceived. I also believe that we should work for the day when there will be no abortions for any reason, and that every unborn child will be welcomed into life and protected by law.”

“That is why I have supported, and will continue to support, pro-life legislation that not only limits, but also reduces, the total number of abortions, with a view to the eventual legal protection of all unborn human life,” Gingrich continued.

Talking about what he would do initially as president, Gingrich said:  “As I have also stated in the past, on day one of my administration, I will sign an executive order reinstating Ronald Reagan’s Mexico City policy that prevents taxpayer dollars from being used to fund abortions overseas. I will also work with Congress to repeal Obamacare, defund Planned Parenthood so that no taxpayer dollars are being used to fund abortions but rather transfer the money so it is used to promote adoption and other pro-family policies, and to enact legislation that provides greater protections for the unborn.”

Gingrich again noted he believes human life begins at conception, saying, “In terms of new pro-life legislation, I stated as recently as November 19 at a public form of candidates in Iowa that I support Congress enacting pro-life legislation under the 14th Amendment, including legislation that would define personhood as beginning at conception.”

In the 2012 presidential race, Gingrich has pledged to appoint pro-life judges to the Supreme Court, end taxpayer funding of abortion, de-fund Planned Parenthood and sign into law a federal Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.  Gingrich is also committed to repealing the pro-abortion Obama healthcare law, which contains massive abortion funding and threats of rationing.

On Gingrich’s campaign website he lists the executive orders he would sign on his first day in office if elected president. Two of these include reinstating the pro-life Mexico City Policy and restoring conscience clause protections for pro-life healthcare workers.

On the issue of conscience protections, Gingrich’s website states; “No American working in a medical environment should be forced to perform any procedure that he or she finds morally or ethically objectionable based on religious teaching. This protection should include, but not be limited to abortion. Existing conscience clause protections need to be strengthened.”