Michele Bachmann Suspends Republican Presidential Campaign

Politics   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Jan 4, 2012   |   12:19PM   |   Washington, DC

Congresswoman Michele Bachman announced today that she is suspending her campaign for the Republican presidential nomination to take on pro-abortion President Barack Obama. Her decision follows a disappointing sixth place finish in the Iowa caucuses on Tuesday night.

In a speech announcing she was leaving the race, Bachmann said we have a responsibility to promote freedom and justice in America and said repealing Obamacare served as the inspiration for her run for president, saying it “endangered the very survival of the United States of America” and calling it “left-wing social engineering.” She also condemned taxpayer funded abortion.

“2012 is our last chance and only chance to repeal Obamcare and Dodd-Frank,” she said, adding that she wants to elect a Republican Senate that will overturn Obamacare. “I will fight to protect life from conception to natural death” in “whatever way God allows me to.”

“I have decided to stand aside,” she said, adding that Republicans must be “united” to repeal Obamacare. Bachmann did not make an endorsement but expressed support for eventual GOP nominee.

Marjorie Dannenfelser of the Susan B. Anthony List told LifeNews she was glad Bachmann stood up for pro-life women.

“We are sad to see such a strong leader leave the race, but know that her pro-life leadership is desperately needed in Congress,” she said. “Michele Bachmann has been an unwavering advocate for protecting women and the unborn. Not only has she committed to defunding Planned Parenthood of its nearly half a billion in annual taxpayer funds, her commitment to protecting life has been a foundation of her presidential campaign. We look forward to her continued leadership in the House.”

“Michele Bachmann is a strong, authentic pro-life, pro-woman champion in the mold of Susan B. Anthony – not only does she lead by example, but her perseverance in defending women from the tragedy of abortion is an invaluable asset to the pro-life cause,” said Dannenfelser. “She understands that the rights of women and their children are inextricably linked.”

Bachmann ran a pro-life campaign for the GOP nod and stressed both her pro-life views on abortion as well as her desire to see the repeal of Obamacare, which includes abortion funding and rationing concerns for pro-life groups.

“The life of the unborn is not a sidebar issue. This is it. It is the issue that impacts more than any other how you view other issues. It is the watershed issue of our time,”  Bachmann said.

Bachmann’s pro-life views and sterling 100 percent pro-life voting record in Congress are well known as is her status as a foster mom who has helped dozens of children via adoption. Bachmann has credited the Presbyterian minister and writer Francis Schaeffer “with awakening her pro-life sensibilities” and added that it was “after studying Schaeffer that she became a sidewalk counselor.”

Bachmann talked about that preciously, saying, “One thing that Dr. Schaeffer said is that [God is] not just the God of theology. He’s not just the God of the Bible. Since he is the Creator God, he’s the father of biology, sociology, of political science, of you name the subject. … And that altered our way of thinking, that God had something to say about our career.”

“Francis Schaeffer also said that life is the watershed issue of our time, and how we come down on how we view human life will impact all other issues,” she said. “And so Marcus and I decided we didn’t want to be pro-life only, just as speaking… We wanted to live a life of being about pro-life.”

Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney essentially tied last night in the Iowa caucuses with a showing that will elevate their standing in the race for the Republican nomination to replace pro-abortion President Barack Obama. Together they may now represent the upper echelon of candidates after bouncing back and forth for the lead much of the night. [related]

Romney and Santorum both captured 25% of the vote of the more than 120,000 Republicans who gathered across the first presidential battleground state to cast their ballots for their favorite candidate to take the GOP against Obama in November. Ron Paul placed third with 21%. Gingrich finished with 13%, Perry with 10% and Bachman with 5%. Jon Huntsman came in last place with the backing of less than 1% of Republicans.

Gingrich says he plans to stay in the race. Gingrich said the race for the GOP nomination was just beginning. He vowed to go on and said he is the candidate to create change. He congratulated two other contenders — Rick Santorum and Ron Paul — but said he will air contrasts between himself and Romney.

Meanwhile, Rick Perry has said he is reassessing the race and some political observers expect him to either drop out now or after the South Carolina vote later this month should he not fare well there.

Michele and her husband Marcus, have five children and have also served as foster parents to over 23 at-risk teens, which has inspired Congresswoman Bachmann to become one of Congress’ leading advocates for foster and adopted children, earning her bipartisan praise for her efforts.

Full text of Bachmann speech leaving the race:

“Entrusted to every American is the responsibility to watch over our republic. From the pilgrims, to William Penn, to our founding fathers, we are encompassed about with a great cloud of witnesses that bear witness to the sacrifices made to establish our country and the precious principles of freedom that make it the greatest force for good on the planet. Each generation serves as the next stepping stone down the path of liberty.

“Everyday I am reminded of the connection we have to the principles of freedom and justice by a painting, Howard Chandler Christy’s scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States, which hangs in the East Grand Stairway of the United States Capitol.

“But never was the painting’s reminder more poignant than on the evening of March 21, 2010, the day Obamacare was passed. Staring out from the painting is the face of Ben Franklin as a consistent reminder of the fragile Republic he and the founders gave to us. That day served as the inspiration for my run for the presidency of the United States, because I believed firmly that what we had done in passing Obamacare endangered our Republic. I believed that it was my obligation to ensure that President Obama’s program of socialized medicine was stopped before it became fully implemented.

“And so my message has been the necessity for the complete repeal of Obamacare in this once in a lifetime campaign cycle. Obamacare represents the largest expansion of entitlement spending and playground of left wing social engineering in our country’s history and must be stopped. Its repeal is more than just cliche for me, it is essential to my core of conviction because Obamacare violates the fundamental rights of freedom at the core of our republic, including for the first time in the history of the country, taxpayer funded abortion.

“Deeply troubled by the state of our country, I ran for the Presidency foremost as an American citizen who believes in the foundation and greatness of our American principles. Our principles derive their meaning from the founders beliefs, rooted in the truths of the Bible.

“And, while a Congresswoman by title, a politician I will never be. Motivated not by vainglory or the promise of political power, I have served one singular purpose in Washington DC – to lead an effort begun by the people to restore America. I ran as the next stepping stone of passing on and protecting the torch of freedom. That duty required taking on the charge of repealing Obamacare and Dodd-Frank, which mandated ensuring the election of thirteen more republican senators to guarantee their demise.

“The implementation of Obamacare will represent a turning point for our country and our economy. And I worried what a future painting in Christy’s vain might depict should Obamacare be placed into effect. Would future generations ask of us, what did we do and what did we give up to ensure the survival of our republic? I ran because I realized that 2012 is our last chance to get rid of Obamacare and Dodd-Frank, and I knew how to get rid of them. And I ran not only for me, but also to elect 13 more United States senators who could help me repeal it.

“I ran because I have believed that since day one Barack Obama’s policies, based in socialism, are destructive to the very foundations of our republic. I ran because I wanted my children and all of the children of this country to live free and have better opportunities than their parents had. I ran to secure the promise of their future. And so I decided to stand up for our country and fight.

“And I’ll keep fighting the president’s agenda of socialism. And I’ll keep fighting for you. Fighting for more liberty and less government. Fighting to stop the overspending in Washington. Fighting to keep our country free, safe and sovereign. Fighting against crony capitalism in Washington. Fighting to end excessive government regulation and a tax code that is unfair and kills American competitiveness. Fighting to legalize American energy production. Fighting for American families. Fighting to protect life from conception until natural death. Fighting to protect traditional marriage. Fighting to secure our borders. And fighting for religious liberty. I will fight for this country and for the American people everyday in the way that God allows me.

“And so I came back here to this wonderful state where I was born and raised and that I’ve come to trust and love. And I had just one message: to tell you that I mean what I say and say what I mean. I’ve told you the truth that our country is in trouble and that this might be the last election to turn the country around before we go down the road to socialism to a burden of debt too heavy for our children to bear. I didn’t just tell you what the polls said you wanted to hear. I didn’t tell you what I knew to be false. I didn’t try to spin you. I listened to the people of Iowa and all across America, and they agree that President Obama and his liberal policies must be stopped and that we must repeal Obamacare.

“I sought nomination of the party of Lincoln and of Reagan that believes in the strength and goodness of the American people and that America is the greatest force for good on the planet. We don’t believe that government has the answers, but that it should respect the rights and opportunities of the people to whom we are accountable. We believe that government should do its job as enumerated by the constitution and not your job, and that it should do it without spending more than it takes in.

“Last night the people of Iowa spoke with a clear voice, and so I have decided to stand aside. I believe that if we are going to repeal Obamacare, turn our economy around and take back our country we must be united. I believe we must rally behind the person our country and our party selects to be that standard bearer. But make no mistake I will continue to be a strong voice. I will continue to stand and fight for this country and for the American people and for our freedom because Mr. Franklin and all of the founders, all of the men and women who given their last full measure of devotion are watching us. And we owe it to them, to our posterity, and to our God to keep our republic free.

“I will be forever grateful to this state and its people for launching us on this path with our victory in the Iowa Straw Poll. While I will not be continuing in this race, my faith in the Lord God Almighty, this country, in our republic, has been strengthened. As I have traveled around this state and the country I have seen the very best in America, our people. And I will always believe in the greatness of them and the greatness of our God.

“And, of course, I am deeply grateful to our entire campaign team, here in Iowa, in South Carolina and everywhere. I have no regrets. We never compromised our principles and we can leave this race knowing that we ran it with integrity and that we made an important contribution.

“I want to thank my husband, Marcus, and my entire family. They, along with the Lord’s provision of His incomprable faithfulness, have been my strength through the campaign. I look forward to the next chapter in God’s plan–He has one for each of us, you know, if we will only cooperate with Him. He has always had something greater around the corner beyond what any of us could have ever imagined. I have lived an incredibly blessed life and am grateful to have been part of this presidential campaign.

“Thank you, God Bless you and God Bless the United States of America.”